Relationship between angular acceleration α and angular velocity ω?

Relationship between angular acceleration α and angular velocity ω?

The linear motion is acceleration α and velocity U;
Circular motion is angular acceleration α and angular velocity ω, their relationship is: α = D ω / dt

The relationship between rotation angle and angular acceleration

The relationship between angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration is the same as that between linear displacement, linear velocity and linear acceleration

What is the acceleration of angular velocity

In the three-dimensional coordinate system, the angular velocity becomes more complex. In this case, the angular velocity is usually treated as a vector, or even more precisely as a pseudo vector. It not only has numerical value, but also has the characteristics of direction

The frequency of AC power supply in China is 50 Hz. How many times has the direction of current changed in each second

Because θ + α = 90?... frequency is 50 Hz. In every second, the magnitude and direction of current change 100 times

The frequency of alternating current is 50 Hz, so it can change the direction of current several times a second. Thank you very much

It changes the current direction 100 times a second

How many times does the current of 50 Hz change its direction in one second?
It's 100 times in reference books, but I think the first 0.02 second only changes once, so it should be 99 times exactly
Please see my question, why is 99 times wrong?

When it comes to timing starting point, you default a special time point as timing starting point, that is, the moment when the current changes direction
It's like planting 10 trees with nine intervals
According to your idea, change 999 times in 10 seconds, change 9999 times in 100 seconds
Generally speaking, if any time point is taken as the starting point of timing, the result will be that the direction of 50 Hz current changes 100 times a second

Given a sinusoidal AC electromotive force E = 311sin (314T + π / 3) (V), try to find out the maximum value, angular frequency, period and initial phase of the electromotive force?

Maximum electromotive force 311V
Angular frequency 314rad / S
The period of 2 × pi / 314 is about 0.02s
Initial phase pi / 3

Given an AC electromotive force E = 311sin (314 + 45 °) V, the maximum value, effective value, period, frequency, angular frequency and initial phase of the electromotive force are pointed out respectively

Maximum 311V
Effective value 220 V
Cycle 20ms
Frequency: 50 Hz
Angular frequency 314 rad / S
Initial phase 45 degrees

Given a positive current I = sin (314T + 45 °) a, what is the effective value A. visa?


Sine AC voltage U = 311 sin (314t-30) V, try to find: (1) maximum and effective value (2) angular frequency, frequency and period (3) phase and initial phase

(1) The maximum value of 311V divided by the root 2 is the effective value of 220V (2) angular frequency 314rad / s frequency 50Hz is the angular frequency divided by 2pi period is the reciprocal of frequency 0.02s (3) phase 314t-30 initial phase-30 degrees