Is the angular velocity of the earth slightly larger or smaller than 15 ° / h? I think it takes less than 24h for a star to turn 360 ° on the earth (if it is equal to 24h, the velocity is 15 ° / h), then the velocity potential must be greater than 15 ° / h!

Is the angular velocity of the earth slightly larger or smaller than 15 ° / h? I think it takes less than 24h for a star to turn 360 ° on the earth (if it is equal to 24h, the velocity is 15 ° / h), then the velocity potential must be greater than 15 ° / h!

Solar day: the time interval between the meridians of a certain place and the line connecting the sun and earth center for two consecutive times, which is 24 hours. (alternate cycle of day and night)
Stellar day: the time interval between the meridians of a certain place passing through the line between the same star and the earth's Center for two consecutive times is 23:56:4 seconds. (rotation period) one cycle of the earth's rotation must be a stellar day, so it is smaller than 15 ° / h

Is the angular velocity of the earth slightly greater than 15?

The angular velocity is greater than 15 ° per second. Because the angular velocity of the earth is fixed whether it is a solar day or a stellar day. It takes 23:56:04 seconds for the earth to rotate 360 ° for one cycle. Then the angular velocity = 360 / 23.92 (stellar day time) = 15.05 degrees

How does it change with the rotation and revolution of the earth?

Angular velocity is the same everywhere (except at the poles). Linear velocity decreases from the equator to the poles
It's related to the rotation of the earth. If the rotation speed of the earth is fast, it will be fast. It has nothing to do with the revolution