What is the significance of the direction of angular velocity? Does circular motion have angular velocity?

What is the significance of the direction of angular velocity? Does circular motion have angular velocity?

The direction of angular velocity reflects the rotation direction of an object. Generally, angular velocity is only mentioned in circular motion. It means that an object has rotational inertia

Does angular velocity have direction

Yes, the problem is very obvious, because of the different direction of rotation, the angular velocity must be determined by the direction. On the surface, there are positive and negative directions. But the angular velocity does not define the direction in this way! It is stipulated to use the right-hand spiral rule to determine: the direction of four fingers is the direction of winding, the direction of thumb is the direction of angular velocity! Use the right-hand spiral rule to determine, that is, the four fingers of the right hand

How to judge the direction of angular velocity?

Right hand rule: suppose the fingers of the right hand (except the thumb) bend inward in the direction of rotation, then the direction of the thumb is the direction of the angular velocity vector