Isn't instantaneous velocity just velocity? Why is instantaneous velocity a vector and velocity a scalar?

Isn't instantaneous velocity just velocity? Why is instantaneous velocity a vector and velocity a scalar?

Just understand the meaning of speed. Speed has both size and direction,

Average rate, instantaneous rate, who is scalar and who is vector,

As long as it's velocity, it's vector

Is rate a vector or a scalar?
The first two are vectors and the rate is scalar,

Correct, the first two are vectors, the direction of instantaneous velocity is along the tangent direction of trajectory, the direction of average velocity is the same as the direction of displacement; the velocity is scalar, which refers to the magnitude of velocity

Is it a vector

Instantaneous velocity
The speed of a moving object at a certain time or a certain position is called instantaneous speed (speed for short). Generally, the magnitude of instantaneous speed is also called speed. Instantaneous speed is a vector. The direction of instantaneous speed at a certain time (or passing through a certain position) is the direction of the object's motion at that time (or passing through a certain position)
The calculation method of instantaneous velocity at a certain time is as follows
1. In the uniform speed change linear motion: take this moment as the starting point, extend the same time to both sides, and the measured displacement ⊿ X / ⊿ t is the instantaneous velocity at this moment
2. In ordinary motion: only the estimated value can be obtained. Extend a period of time ⊿ X / ⊿ t towards 0 to the left and right sides respectively
3. In uniform motion: average velocity is instantaneous velocity

Average rate. Rate
1. Is the calculation method of average velocity and instantaneous velocity v = △ X / △ t
2. Are average velocity and instantaneous velocity vectors?
3. If the speed is the instantaneous speed, is the average speed the average speed?
4. The difference between rate and average rate? Are both scalars?
5. Calculation method of rate and average string
Please give me a serious answer. I feel a lot confused

1. No, this formula can only be used to express the instantaneous velocity at the midpoint of a period of displacement time, or can record a period of displacement in a very short period of time, which is approximately regarded as uniform acceleration. Then this formula is used to do the timer experiment. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. 4. The average rate is a kind of rate, two

What factors are related to the speed in physics

It has something to do with the reference frame. For example, if a person is not moving on the earth, you can't say that his speed is 0. If you take the sun as the reference frame, the speed of a person is close to the revolution speed of the earth (very fast). For the ground, the speed of a person is 0

High school physics speed is called speed, why?

Speed and speed are two physical quantities. Speed = displacement / time and speed = distance / time. Speed is not equal to speed. For example, if the starting and ending positions of a circle are the same, speed = zero and speed = perimeter / time

Physical average velocity and average velocity
1. When a person climbs a mountain, climbs to the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain, and then returns to the foot of the mountain from the original road, the average speed of going up the mountain is V1, and the average speed of going down the mountain is V2, then the average speed and average speed of going back and forth are V1 and V2

Because the displacement is 0, the average velocity can only be 0
The speed should be divided by the distance and time. If the uphill distance is s and the downhill distance is s, then the average speed is the total distance divided by the total time, which is 2S / (s / V1 + S / V2) = 2 * (V1) * (V2) / (V1 + V2)

Physics problems (average speed and average speed)
There is a car driving along a straight road, passing a distance of 5 meters in 1s, 20 meters in 2S and 3S, 15 meters in 4S, and 10 meters in the opposite direction in 5S. Calculate the average speed and average speed in 5S and the average speed and average speed in 2S? (main process, answer)

Average velocity in 5S: v = (5 + 20 + 20 + 15-10) / 5 = 10m / s average velocity in 2S after v = (5 + 20 + 20 + 15 + 10) / 5 = 14m / s average velocity in 5S: v = (15-10) / 2 = 2.5m/s average velocity: v = (15 + 10) / 2 = 12.5m/s note: velocity is vector, it has direction, direction has start point to end point

On average velocity and average velocity
If three objects in the figure start from the same ground and direction at the same time and move in a straight line, then the displacement time relation is zero
The image is as shown in the figure. Comparing the average speed in 10 seconds, the relationship is as follows,
The average rate of a is
The average rate of C is
Write the answer and why. If it's good, I'll add points

The definition of average velocity is the displacement of an object in a certain period of time divided by the time needed to walk the displacement (displacement, not distance, displacement is only related to the starting point and end point, it is a vector). In the first 10 years, the displacement of a, B and C is 10m, so the average velocity is 10 / 10 = 1m / s
The average speed is defined as the distance an object passes through in a certain period of time divided by the time it takes to walk the distance (the distance is the length of the track, which is a scalar). Observing the track of a, we can see that after it goes 12 meters forward, it returns 2 meters to the displacement of 10 meters, and its distance is 12 + 2 = 14 meters, while B and C do not turn back, their distance is 10 meters. According to the definition, a's average speed is 1.4 MGS, The average velocity of B and C is 1 m / s