In high school physics, the average speed is the displacement divided by time. Then, there are several time periods in the whole process where the displacement is different from the time used. At this time, what is the average speed of the whole process,

In high school physics, the average speed is the displacement divided by time. Then, there are several time periods in the whole process where the displacement is different from the time used. At this time, what is the average speed of the whole process,

Remember the most basic concept, or use the total bit to remove the total time. For example, if you walk S1 in T1 and S2 in T2, then the average speed of the whole journey is (S1 + S2) / (T1 + T2)

Is displacement divided by time the average velocity over a period of time or the velocity at the end of that period?
When we calculate the acceleration, we divide this displacement by this time. Is it the instantaneous velocity at the end of this period or the average velocity of the object in this period (i.e. V0 + VT / 2)?

Displacement divided by time is the average velocity over a period of time
If the time is very short (the displacement is very small), there is no difference between the beginning and the end
If there is a straight line with uniform velocity, it is always equal everywhere

Is the average velocity displacement divided by time? Why is it displacement divided by time instead of distance divided by time?

The average velocity is displacement divided by time (which is a vector), and the average velocity is distance divided by time (which is a scalar)
When time approaches zero, they are instantaneous velocity and instantaneous velocity

Write out ten formulas of positive proportion and negative proportion. For example, the positive proportion has a certain working time, and the working efficiency and workload are inversely proportional
The lower the unit price of goods, the higher the quantity sold

The number of times of transportation is in direct proportion to the total mass of the goods when the load of the car is fixed
Total mass of goods: number of times of transportation = vehicle load (certain)
2. The number of copies and total amount of money for subscribing to primary school students' composition
Because the total amount of money: copies = unit price (certain)
The volume of a cylinder is constant, and its bottom area is inversely proportional to its height
Base area * height = volume of cylinder (certain)
Work efficiency is constant, total amount of work and working time (√)
Total amount of work: working time = working efficiency (certain)
When a car is going from place a to place B, the circumference of the wheel is inversely proportional to the number of turns of the wheel
Circumference of car wheel * number of turns of car wheel = distance between a and B (certain)
The yield of wheat per hectare is fixed, the total yield and the hectare of wheat planting (√)
Total yield: hectare of wheat planting = yield per hectare of wheat (certain,)
A map in which the distance is proportional to the actual distance
Distance on map: actual distance = scale (certain)
The number of subscriptions to a book is proportional to the amount of money spent
Money used: number of shares = unit price (certain)
1. A rectangle has a certain length, its area and width (positive proportion)
Area: width = length of rectangle (certain,)
2. Circumference and diameter of a circle (positive proportion)
Perimeter: diameter = π (certain)
3. Subscribe to Yangzi Evening News, the number of subscription and total price (positive proportion)
4. The circumference of a circle is in direct proportion to its diameter
Because the circumference of the circle: diameter = π (certain)
This is the first answer. I wish you progress!

When the working time is fixed, is the total amount of work proportional to the working efficiency

When the working time is fixed, the total amount of work is in direct proportion to the working efficiency

Work efficiency x work time = total amount of work expressed in letters

Total amount of work = work efficiency (V) x work time (T)

How to express the total amount of work, work efficiency and working hours in letters?

Total amount of work = work efficiency * working hours s = vt

A is work efficiency, t is work time, C is total amount of work


Work efficiency is inversely proportional to work time when the workload is fixed, and time ratio is inversely proportional to work efficiency when the workload is fixed
Whether these two sentences express the same meaning or whether the second sentence is derived from the first sentence;

It's related, but it doesn't mean the same thing

Working efficiency, working time and workload
A milling machine grinds 96 kg flour in 8 hours. According to such working efficiency, how many hours does it take to grind 288 kg flour
Two solutions

Lisa Wang Li,
The first one is the first one
288 △ 96 × 8 = 24 (hours)
Hourly: 96 △ 8 = 12 (kg)
Total demand: 288 △ 12 = 24 (hours)