What do the English letters K, l, h and N on the architectural drawings mean?

What do the English letters K, l, h and N on the architectural drawings mean?

K in KL is the capital letter of frame beam, KL means frame beam

Everyone's work efficiency is fixed, working time and workload. Judge the proportion of the following quantity, and explain the reason. The number should be correct

The work efficiency is constant, the work time and the total amount of work are in direct proportion, because the total amount of work divided by the work time = work efficiency (constant)

The area formula of rectangle? When the width is the same, the area ratio is equal to? When the length is the same, the area ratio is equal to?

According to: S = length x width
When the width is the same, the area ratio is equal to the length ratio
When the length is the same, the area ratio is equal to the width ratio

The area formula of rectangle?
Including squares

The rectangle is a × B
The square is a × a

Area formula of rectangle

Area = length x width

Power and multiplied by power arm is equal to resistance multiplied by resistance arm. What is called or what is called by mathematical expression

It is called the balance principle of lever or the balance condition of lever F1 1 = F2 2

Help design a function to calculate the bonus
Design a function, the evaluation score is from 0 to 100 (positive integer), the corresponding performance coefficient is 1.3 to 1.8
For example, the coefficient is 1.3 when the score is 0, 1.8 when the score is 100, and? When the score is 50, and? When the score is 80?

Let the fraction be x and the coefficient be y, then y = 1.3 + X * (1.8-1.3) / 100 = 1.3 + 0.005x

It takes 30 days for an engineering team to complete a project. Suppose that the engineering team does x days after 10 days, then the function relationship between the total workload y and X is as follows_________ The value range of the independent variable x is________
It's not that I haven't used my brain to do it. I had to ask for help

y=1/30*x+1/3 (0

The function expression of personal income tax on salary income
No more than 500 yuan, tax rate 5%
10% for the part exceeding 500 yuan to 2000 yuan
15% for the part exceeding 2000 yuan to 5000 yuan
20% tax rate for the part exceeding 5000 yuan to 20000 yuan
25% of the tax rate for the part exceeding RMB 20000 to RMB 40000
30% of the tax rate for the part exceeding RMB 40000 to RMB 60000
35% tax rate for the part exceeding 60000 yuan to 80000 yuan
40% tax rate for the part exceeding 80000 yuan to 100000 yuan
45% for the part over 100000 yuan
The taxable income of a whole month is the balance after deducting 800 yuan from the monthly wage and salary income. For example, if a person's monthly wage 1320 minus 800 yuan, the taxable income is 520 yuan, and the person's income tax is 500 * 5% + 20 * 10% = 27, please write down the function number expression of the monthly wage and salary personal income tax y on the wage and salary income x? The personal income tax paid by a person in a certain month is 120 yuan, and what is his wage and salary income in that month?

Taxable wages (x) personal income tax (y)
800 < X ≤ 1300 Y = ( X – 800 ) * 5% - 0
1300 < X ≤ 2800 Y = ( X – 800 ) * 10% - 25
2800 < X ≤5800 Y = ( X – 800 ) * 15% - 125
The personal income tax paid by someone in a certain month is 120 yuan, and his salary and income in that month are X:
120 = (x-800) * 10% - 25 x = 2250 yuan
Attachment: correct personal income tax rate table
Series monthly taxable income tax rate (%) quick calculation deduction
1 50 up to 500 yuan
2 the part over $500 to $2000 10 25
3 the part exceeding 2000 yuan to 5000 yuan 15 125
4 the part exceeding 5000 yuan to 20000 yuan 20 375
5 over $20000 to $40000 25 1375
6 over $40000 to $60000 30 3375
7 over $60000 to $80000 35 6375
8 over $80000 to $100000 40 10375
9 the part exceeding 100000 yuan 45 15375

It takes four days for the master and six days for the apprentice. The apprentice works for one day first, and then cooperates. The reward is 600 yuan. According to the workload, how to distribute it (use the equation solution)
It takes four days for a master and six days for an apprentice to do a job. Now the apprentice does it for one day first, and then cooperates with him. After that, he gets a reward of 600 yuan. According to the individual workload, how to divide it (use equation solution)

Suppose the total workload is 1, the master does 1 / 4 every day, and the apprentice does 1 / 6 every day,
Apprentice to do 1 day, also need X days to complete
The workload of the master is 2 * 1 / 4 = 1 / 2
The workload of the apprentice is (1 + 2) * 1 / 6 = 1 / 2
The remuneration of master and apprentice is 600 * 1 / 2 = 300 yuan