Find the value of SiNx | SiNx | + cosx | cosx | Is this to discuss the positive and negative of SiNx and cosx

Find the value of SiNx | SiNx | + cosx | cosx | Is this to discuss the positive and negative of SiNx and cosx

X is the quadrant angle, not on the axis,
Otherwise, the formula is meaningless
(1) X is the first quadrant angle, SiNx > 0, cosx > 0, the value = 2
(2) X is the second quadrant angle, SiNx > 0, cosx

Given TaNx = 2, find the value of cosx + SiNx of cosx SiNx


Find the maximum value of y = SiNx + cosx on (negative half to zero)

Y '= √ 2cos (x + π / 4) when - π / 2 ≤ x ≤ 0, - π / 4 ≤ x + π / 4 ≤ π / 4, then: y' > 0, so the function is an increasing function
So: Min {y} = √ 2Sin (- π / 4) = - 1, Max {y} = √ 2Sin (π / 4) = 1

Solve the equation (1 + SiNx) / (1 + cosx) = 2

(1 + SiNx) / (1 + cosx) = 21 + SiNx = 2 (1 + cosx) SiNx = 1 + 2cosx because (SiNx) ^ 2 + (cosx) ^ 2 = 1, so (1 + 2cosx) ^ 2 + (cosx) ^ 2 = 1, that is, 1 + 4cosx + 4 (cosx) ^ 2 + (cosx) ^ 2 = 1, so cosx (5cosx + 4) = 0, so when cosx = 0 or cosx = - 4 / 5 (I) cosx = - 4 / 5, SiNx = 1 + 2cosx = - 3 / 5, then x

Solving equation 2 (1-sinx) = 1-cosx

So cosx = 2sinx-1
Because (SiNx) ^ 2 + (cosx) ^ 2 = 1
So SiNx ^ 2 + (2sinx-1) ^ 2 = 1
The formula solution is sinx1 = 0, satisfying, sinx2 = 4 / 5, satisfying, SiNx ∈ [- 1,1],

39-1,38+2,37-3,36+1,35-2,34+3…… ()
A 1-1 B -1-1
C 0-1 D 0+1
The correct answer is d

D 0+1
39-1 33-1 ...3-1 2+2 1-3 0+1

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