The minimum value of the function y = x2 + 2x-3 (- 2 ≤ x ≤ 2) is______ , the maximum value is______ .

The minimum value of the function y = x2 + 2x-3 (- 2 ≤ x ≤ 2) is______ , the maximum value is______ .

Because the symmetry axis of the function is x = - 22 × 1 = - 1, and the value range of the function is - 2 ≤ x ≤ 2, the minimum value of the function is 4 × 1 × (− 3) − 224 × 1 = - 4. Because when x = 2, the function gets the maximum value, then the maximum value of y = 4 + 4-3 = 5

Solving mathematical problems: if x ∈ [π / 6,2 π / 3], then the minimum and maximum values of the function y = 2cos (x - π / 3) are?
Seek expert, that I do - π / 6 ≤ X - π / 3 ≤ π / 3!

Cosx increases at (- π, 0)
(0, π) decreasing
So the maximum here is 2cos0 = 2
The minimum is 2cos π / 3 = 1

It is known that the maximum value of function y = x2-2ax + 1 on [- 1, 1] is f (a), and the minimum value is g (a). (1) find the analytic expression of F (a) - G (a); (2) find the maximum value and minimum value of F (a) - G (a)

(1) The axis of symmetry of the function y = x2-2ax + 1 is x = a with the opening upward. When a < - 1, the function is an increasing function on [- 1, 1], with the maximum value of 2-2a and the minimum value of 2 + 2A. When - 1 ≤ a < 0, the function is a decreasing function on [- 1, a], an increasing function on [a, 1], with the maximum value of 2-2a and the minimum value of 1-a2. When 0 ≤ a ≤ 1, the function is a decreasing function on [- 1, a] and an increasing function on [a, 1], The maximum value is 2 + 2a, and the minimum value is 1-a2. When a > 1, the function is a decreasing function on [- 1, 1], the maximum value is 2 + 2a, and the minimum value is 2-2a  f (a) − g (a) = − 4a (a − 1) 2 (a + 1) 24aa <− 1 − 1 ≤ a < 00 ≤ a ≤ 1a > 1 (2). The image of the function f (a) - G (a) is shown in the figure

Known sets {1,2}, {3,4,5,6,}, {7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14} Where the nth set consists of 2 ^ n consecutive positive integers, and each
The largest number in the set and the smallest book in the next set are continuous integers. It is known that the largest number in the nth set is an
(1) Finding an expression
(2) If the sequence {BN} satisfies BN = [2 ^ (n + 1)] / [an * a (n + 1)], and a

Don't use the first question, Pro 2 ^ (n + 1) - 2
bn=2^(n+1)/(2^(n+1)-2)*(2^(n+2)-2) = (2^n/(2^(n+1)-2))-2^n/(2^(n+2)-2))*1/(2^n)
For example, B1 = (4 / 2-6 / 2) * 1 / 4, B2 = (8 / 6-8 / 14) * 1 / 8
So Sn = (1 / 2-1 / 6) + (1 / 6-1 / 14) + (1 / 14-1 / 30) +(1/(2^(n+1)-2)-1/(2^(n+2)-2))
The minimum value of Sn is 1 / 2-1 / 6 = 1 / 3
No maximum, infinitely close to 1 / 2
According to the meaning of the question, a should be equal to 1 / 3
Pure hand fight Oh pro ~ in fact, originally also want to check their own sudden thought out

Let u be a set of positive integers no more than 9, and let a and B be its two subsets, and satisfy a ∩ B = {2}, CUA ∩ cub = {4,6,8}
Let u be a set of positive integers no more than 9, and let a and B be its two subsets, and satisfy a ∩ B = {2}, CUA ∩ cub = {4,8},

My answer is. A set is. 1,2,7... B set is. 2,3,9... But I think there are many possibilities. As long as A.B set has 2, there is no 4,6,8

If s = a positive integer less than 10, a ⊆ s, B ⊆ s, and (CSA) ∩ B = {1,9}, a ∩ B = {2}, (CSA) ∩ B = {4,6,8}, find a and B

This problem can be solved by Venn diagram, as shown in the figure, a = {2, 3, 5, 7}, B = {1, 2, 9}

1. Solution set of inequality 3x + 6 < 0 2. Set of integers less than 7 3. Set of even numbers greater than 10 4. Set of integers greater than 7-
1. The solution set of inequality 3x + 6 < 0
2. Set of integers less than 7
3. A set of even numbers greater than 10
4. The solution set of integers greater than - 3
The solution set of 5.3x + 2 > - 1

It can also be expressed as interval form (- ∞, - 2)

A is a set of non negative integers less than 5, and B is a set of non positive integers. Do there exist the same numbers in set a and set B? If so,
Please indicate this number, if it does not exist, please explain the reason

A is a set of nonnegative integers less than 5: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
B is a set of non positive integers, 0, - 1, - 2
The same number is 0

The set of positive integers and negative integers is ()
A. Set of integers B. set of rational numbers C. set of natural numbers D. none of the above is true

Because the combination of positive integer set and negative integer set cannot form an integer set (integer set includes positive integer set, 0 and negative integer set), it is included by rational number set (integer set and fractional set), and natural number set contains positive integer set, but not negative integer set, so the above statements are all wrong

The number of elements in the union of three sets is equal to? Find the reason
The number of elements in the union of three sets is equal to the sum of the number of elements in each of the three sets minus the number of elements in the intersection of the two sets plus the number of prime elements in the intersection of the three sets
A and B and C = a + B + C - a cross B - a cross C - B cross C + a cross B cross C;
Why is this added to "+ A to B to C"?
How to use Wayne diagram to solve the problem?

It's easy to understand! If they don't intersect, it's easy to understand! Let's talk about the situation that they all intersect in pairs! Look at the picture of my space! Let's wait for 5 minutes! I'll pass the chain to you!