An adjective that begins with a

An adjective that begins with a

1、 Some adjectives are used as predicative only
1. Some adjectives beginning with a -:
The able aware realized it
Afraid alive
Alone alone ashamed ashamed asleep asleep awake awake
Don't be afraid
Now the baby is asleep
He was alone in the house
If you want to use it as an attributive and have the above meaning, you can use other adjectives
Error: an asleep child, an ashamed girl, an alive poem
A sleeping child, a shy girl, a living poet
2. Some adjectives of health
Fine healthy ill sick
Good health
"How's your wife?" "she's fine, thank you."
He was ill and couldn't come
In American English, ill and well are sometimes used as attributives. In addition, if they do not mean the above, they can be used as attributives: fine weather, ill news
3. Some adjectives describing feeling or mood:
Glad happy
I'm glad to hear that
You will be sorry about this later
We are very satisfied with the plan
If it is used in other ways, it can be used as an attributive. For example, when glade means "happy", it can only be used as a predicative; when glade means "happy", it can only be used as an attributive (gladnews)
4. Other adjectives:
Sure, sure, sure
Fond likes, gentle, ready, willing
Unable to Of
I'm sure he will come
He is fond of music
We are ready to do it
If it is used in other senses, some can also be used as an attributive. For example, when "certain" means "certain", it can only be used as an attributive: a certain person
2、 Attributive adjectives
Attributive adjectives refer to adjectives that are used only in front of nouns as attributives (i.e. prepositional attributives), but not as predicative adjectives, such as elder, eldest, daily, everyday, last, etc
Janet is Mary's elder sister
Her eldest daughter works in a bank
He is practicing everyday English
He went home last Sunday

The topic is what your family is preparing for the Spring Festival

All tenses are present continuous tense
The Spring Festival is coming soon and my family members are all preparing for it.My parents are making dumplings and they are storing some of them for the next few days.I am taking down the old pictures on the wall and putting up some beautiful new ones.And my grandparents are holding the pictures to help me and telling me that I am going to be one year older.
I hope you can use it as a reference and write better ones yourself!

A 50 word composition in junior middle school English
Brothers and sisters, help me! I have bonus points! The better the answer, the more you give!
It's better to write it yourself

We should protect our environment because it'very importent.
we have only an earth .we must live here.
I think it's everyone's dute to protect our environment.
we can save water.
we can protect animals.
we can plant trees and so on.
we must do all we can do!
I hope our environment will be beter!
We should protect our environment because it is very important
We have only one earth. We have to live here
I think it's everyone's responsibility to protect the environment!
We can save water >
We can take good care of animals
We can plant trees and so on
We're going to do everything we can!
I hope our environment can become better!

A happy weekend for you and your family. About 40 words

It’s on sunday morning .It is a beautifui sunny day .My family all stay at home.My mother is cleaning the room.My father is helping my mother.My grandparents are watching TV.And I am playing computer...

A composition about three meals a day, no less than 50 words,

Hello!I am XXX.I am XX years old.I eat lots of heathy food for every day!I like eggs ,milk and apples for breakfast.I have rice ,tomatoes,bananas and beef for lunch!And for dinner,I like rice,fish ,pe...

Write an article about your family's eating habits of three meals a day
We need to write more

My family`s eating habits
My mother:
In the moring,mum likes eat egg ang drink milk.
At lunch,mum likes eat vegetables,she thing vegetable is good for her health.
At supper,mum usually eat rice.
My father:
In the moring,dad likes drink tea,.
At lunch,dad eats noodles,he likes noodles very much.
AT supper,dad usually drink coffee,he think coffee is good for his healy.
In the moring ,I eat bread.
At lunch,I like eat junk food,I think jung food is delioils.
At supper,I like eat soup,is sounds delioils.
This is my family`s eating habits!

English composition: please write a short passage of about 50 words in English to introduce your three meals a day

For me, I used to eat nothing for my breakfast, because I always rush to work, and sometimes I buy some bread or cookies, if I have time.
As to my lunch, I used to eat at canteen, rice and some stir-fried dishes would be nice. I dont like eating out, it's not hygienic at all.
When I come back home, I finally can have a meal peacefully, I also prefer Chinese food, baozi, pancake, or maybe just some porridge.

Write a 50-60 passage in English about your diet of three meals a day
Dining place, time:
Non staple food;
Staple food;

In the morning I alwasy eat at 's a good choice to have bread and milk for my Breakfast.Corn Bread is very nice.but it cost me 5 dollors.
I ofen have my Lunch in the school.let mee eat American Lunch.
I like eatmeat that comes from any poultry,chicken,duck,geese as well as dairy meat.beef tastes really good.Not only are they delicious and fattening,they are full of nutrition.Also ,meat can come in an almost infinite array of varieties, because they come from a whole range of animals and each can be prepared in many ways.There are many exotic types of meats around the world,hopefully,i will have the chance to sample my favourite food in many different ways.
supper is the best dinner for me.because my mom will do come decious cook for me.Ham Omelet ,ried eggs and so on.i think it will spend 10 dollores.

You and your family eat three meals a day

There are three people in my family.They are my mother,my father,and I.we all like eat delicious food.but ,we don't like the same father like pork and mum like healthy food,li...

According to the following information, write a short passage about your weekend plan, no less than 60 words
Tomorrow is may day. My family is going to Beijing to climb the Great Wall. We plan to stay for two days, go by plane and come back by train. I plan to take some beautiful pictures on the Great Wall. My mother plans to bring some food and drink. At the moment, we are making preparations

Tomorrow is May Day( Labor's Day).My family will go to Beijing and we'll viist the Great Wall.We 'll stay there for two days.We are going there by plane and go back by train.I am going to take some bea...