There is a bed in my bedroom next to the wardrobe

There is a bed in my bedroom next to the wardrobe

There is a bed next to the wardrobe in my bedroom.

Every classroom has a computer and a projector

there are a computer and projector in each classroom.

How to make a sentence, what is the amount of English tense, the general present tense

Generally, there be is used in the present tense, but it can also be used if there is a time word indicating the past or the future
There is a dog under the tree
There were some apples on the table last night
There will be a tall building in the city in five years

There be construction

tere are some boats on the river
Some small wooden boats are on the river

There be (five)

1there is a girl.
2there was used to be a scool.
3there was a tree three years ago.
4there stands a little boy.
5there is a box.

There be sentence pattern
There is 10 there are

1There is a book on the desk.2There is a pen in the pencilcase3There is an apple on the tree4There is some money in the box5There is some water in the glass6There is a ball under the chair 7There is a...

English translation
Better English,Better City
Shanghai has developed a new series of guidelines that seek to eradicate Chinglish in public signs and restaurant menus.And next month,the Shanghai English Language Usage Standards will be issued to improve English-language services before the 2010 World Expo.
The standards will have an introduction to basic translation rules and list examples of the common English words concerned with public transport,hospitals,tourist spots,and restaurants.For example,signs like “deformed man toilet” will be replaced with a more proper translation for a restroom with wheelchair access.
Language experts from local universities have written the standards.And a free online version will be available to the public by the end of this year.
“The improper translation of signs will destroy the image of Shanghai,” said an official.“The World Expo is a stage for global science and technology with a rich audience of different languages and cultural backgrounds.It needs high-level language services.”

Better English, better market
Shanghai has developed a series of new guidelines in an effort to eliminate Chinese style public signs and restaurant menus. Next month, Shanghai's English language standards will improve English language services before the 2010 World Expo
The standard will introduce basic translation rules and examples of lists of English words of common concern to public transport, hospitals, tourist attractions, restaurants. For example, signs such as "deformed toilet" will replace a more correct translation for toilets that are equipped with wheelchair access
Language experts from local universities have written standards. And a free online version will be available to the public by the end of this year
"Signs of improper translation will damage the image of Shanghai," an official said. "The World Expo is a stage of global science and technology, with a rich audience of different languages and cultural backgrounds. It requires high-level language services“

Reading for pleasure is the east way to come a better reader in English
Translate this sentence:
Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English.

Reading with interest is a shortcut to becoming a good English reader

Why does the English word change sound EI?
Isn't it that consonant + vowel + consonant + silent e is an open syllable, but now it's consonant + vowel + consonant + silent e?

Suggest a classification
Most of them end with / EI /, but there are also counter examples, such as chance, image, image, etc

Semantic change explains the word in English

semantic change is the evolution of word usage — usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage.