The comparative and superlative rules of adjectives and adverbs The comparative and superlative rules of adjectives and adverbs

The comparative and superlative rules of adjectives and adverbs The comparative and superlative rules of adjectives and adverbs

A disyllabic or polysyllabic adverbs are added with more before the comparative grade and most when the superlative grade is formed. A monosyllabic adverb and an adverb early are added with ER and EST at the end of the word

The comparative superlatives of adjectives and adverbs
Teacher assignment assignment, let do a comparative adjective or adverb of the most advanced hand copy, please list some, more than 30 points!
The format is as follows:

I wonder if it is convenient to use computer
It is recommended to download a Lingus PowerWord Then install ICIBA
Then download a dictionary (such as Collins Advanced English Dictionary), which can be seen in the "download authoritative dictionary and encyclopedia" column of the home page. Then install the dictionary
Find some English articles. Find out the adjectives or adverbs in them, and input them in the Ciba input column. In the first column of Collins Advanced English dictionary, the comparative and superlative of the adjectives or adverbs are the first line
Or just think of a Chinese adjective, translation, query
sharp sharper sharpest
happy happier happist
good better best
bright brighter brightest
dim dimmer dimmest
clear clearer clearest
rude ruder rudest
white whiter whitest
angry angrier angriest
short shorter shortest
easy easier easiest
long longer longest
far farther farthest
fat fatter fattest
thin thinner thinnest
gentle gentler gentlest
strict stricter strictest
true truer truest
soft softer softest
hard harder hardest
kind kinder kindest
tender tenderer tenderest
clean cleaner cleanest
quick quicker quickest
smart smarter smartest
bad worse worst
little less least
great greater greatest
wide wider widest
narrow narrower narrowest
supple suppler supplest
stiff stiffer stiffest
wet wetter wettest
dry drier driest
cold colder coldest
warm warmer warmest
hot hotter hottest
busy busier busiest
messy messier messiest
early earlier earliest
late later latest
brave braver bravest
chilly chillier chilliest
cool cooler coolest
dull duller dullest

What are the comparative and superlative degrees of irregular adjectives and adverbs?
As long as the irregular, please try to be more detailed!

If you are not an English major, the following will be enough. I hope you can have some reference value. I wish you progress in your study! A disyllabic or polysyllabic adverbs are added with more before the comparative grade, and most when the superlative grade is formed. Monosyllabic adverbs and adverbs early are added with ER and est at the end of the word

What kind of grades did you make in college

What kind of achievement did you get in university?

From what port do you recommend to deliver this order

Which port do you suggest the order be sent from?

what do young people think about places in town?we did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.All themovie theaters are good,but the Screen City is the best in our town.It has the biggest screens and the most fortable seats.However ,clothing store is Jason's.It has the best quality clothing.It 's also the cheapest.Funky Fashions is the worst.It has really bad service.As for radio stations,most people think that Jazz 107.9 FM is really great.It Play the most interesting music

What do young people think about places in the city? We did a survey among the readers. The following is our conclusion. All the cinemas are good, but the screen city is the best in the city. It has the largest screen and the most comfortable seats. However, the best clothing store is Jason's, Funky fashions is the worst in clothing stores, and the service quality is really bad. For radio stations, most people think jazz 107.9fm is really good. It often plays the most interesting and popular music

What do people grow in park?

What do people grow in the park
Park can also be translated into parking lot, forest park or paddock depending on the context

What do young people think () places

I'm glad to help you
what do young people think 【about】places
What do young people think of these places?
Think about
I hope you are satisfied
Welcome to inquire, please accept

What do people think of soccer

Good question. You stimulate my nerves
It's considered Top 1 sport worldwide. In other words, people love it, and so do I. It's dripping with passion, and of course the handsome and the hotties. In most of Europe and south America, it's already been a considerable part of people's lives, thereby arguably cultivating the best teams among the world that have been wroking fairly well to do the same back to this game. However, quite the contrary, it's a completly different story in our country. Never, in any universe, by any means, has it been really working out here. It, or rather they just keep failling our fans with no mercy, no quarter. Given the fact that we have been devoting unbelievably amount of effort in vain, I'd like to say: let's just keep our fingers crossed. What? You never know, that might really help, if God is still watching us.

For example, in China it's OK to a lot of noise in a restaurant

For example, it's OK to make a lot of noise in Chinese restaurants