形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的變化規則. 形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的變化規則.

形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的變化規則. 形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級的變化規則.

形容詞、副詞的比較級和最高級A雙音節或多音節副詞構成比較級時之前加more,構成最高級時則加most:單音節副詞以及副詞early則在詞尾加er與est:hard harder hardest early earlier earliest(注意y變為i)B不…


sharp sharper sharpest
happy happier happist
good better best
bright brighter brightest
dim dimmer dimmest
clear clearer clearest
rude ruder rudest
white whiter whitest
angry angrier angriest
short shorter shortest
easy easier easiest
long longer longest
far farther farthest
fat fatter fattest
thin thinner thinnest
gentle gentler gentlest
strict stricter strictest
true truer truest
soft softer softest
hard harder hardest
kind kinder kindest
tender tenderer tenderest
clean cleaner cleanest
quick quicker quickest
smart smarter smartest
bad worse worst
little less least
great greater greatest
wide wider widest
narrow narrower narrowest
supple suppler supplest
stiff stiffer stiffest
wet wetter wettest
dry drier driest
cold colder coldest
warm warmer warmest
hot hotter hottest
busy busier busiest
messy messier messiest
early earlier earliest
late later latest
brave braver bravest
chilly chillier chilliest
cool cooler coolest
dull duller dullest



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what do young people think about places in town?we did a survey of our readers and this is what welearned.Allthemovie theaters are good,but the Screen City is the best in ourtown.Ithas the biggest screens and the most fortableseats.However,clothing store is Jason's.It has the best qualityclothing.It's also thecheapest.FunkyFashions is theworst.Ithas really badservice.Asfor radio stations,most people think that Jazz 107.9 FM is reallygreat.Itplays the most interesting music.請翻譯一下,打字很辛苦的.

年輕人對於都市裏的場所又怎樣的意見?我們在讀者中做了一個調查,以下是我們得出的結論.所有的電影院都很好,但是screen city是城中最好的.它有著最大的荧幕和最舒適的座椅.然而,最好的服裝店卻是Jason's.它的服裝質量是最好的,而且價格是最便宜的.Funky Fashions是服裝店中最差的,服務質量真的很爛.對於電臺,大多數人認為Jazz 107.9FM真的很不錯.它常播放最有趣流行的音樂.

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What do people think of soccer?怎麼回答

It's considered Top 1 sport worldwide. In other words,people love it,and so do I. It's dripping with passion,and of course the handsome and the hotties. In most of Europe and south America,it's already been a considerable part of people's lives,thereby arguably cultivating the best teams among the world that have been wroking fairly well to do the same back to this game. However,quite the contrary,it's a completly different story in our country. Never,in any universe,by any means,has it been really working out here. It,or rather they just keep failling our fans with no mercy,no quarter. Given the fact that we have been devoting unbelievably amount of effort in vain,I'd like to say: let's just keep our fingers crossed. What?You never know,that might really help,if God is still watching us.

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