If the complex Z satisfies z-z1 = 2I, Z1 = iz (I is an imaginary number), then z = please explain the solution,

If the complex Z satisfies z-z1 = 2I, Z1 = iz (I is an imaginary number), then z = please explain the solution,

Formula 1 + formula 2 is as follows:

A question about mathematical complex number
It is known that the quadratic equation of X, x square + BX + 1 + (Geng Hao 3) * I = 0, has non-zero real roots. The minimum value of complex B module is obtained

The least square of a module is 4 times the root sign 3
Set the complex number in the form of a + bi. After substitution, according to the discriminant test, find out the inequality relation, and get the form of a + bi greater than or equal to 0. Because it can compare the size with the real number, so B = 0, we can get that the product of AB is colonization. Then according to the mean inequality, we can get the minimum value of a + B

Fish or fish!

The plural of fish can't be said to be fish or fish in general. It depends on the situation. When it means several kinds of fish, the plural is fish. When it only means the concept of a few fish, the plural is not changed or fish is countable

What are the two plural and verb types of fish?

When fish means fish, its plural is still fish, when it means the number of fish, its plural is fish. As for its verb, I have never heard of it, and even if there is one, I don't need to remember it, because it doesn't use its verb form at all. For example, go fishing means [fishing], plus a go can form a verb phrase