How to use the existing high school knowledge to solve the equation 4x ^ 3-3x + 1 = 0?

How to use the existing high school knowledge to solve the equation 4x ^ 3-3x + 1 = 0?

In this paper, we want to find out the feature of 179; - 3x-3x + 1 = this is the 179; + 1 + 3x ^ 3-3x (x + 1) (x-3-3-3x (x + 3-3-3x (x + 3-3-3-3x (x + 3-3-3-3-3x (x + 3-3-3-3-3-3-3x (x + 3-3-3-3x (x + 1) (x-178; 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; (x + 178; - x + 178; - x + 178;; 178; - x + 178; - x + 178; - 178; - x + 1 + 3x + 3x + 3x + 3x + 3x-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3x-3-3-3-3-3 178; = 0x = - 1 or x = 1 / 2

Find the volume ratio of a sphere to its circumscribed cylinder, circumscribed equilateral cone (an equilateral cone with an equilateral triangular cross section)

Let the radius of the ball be 1, then
Height of cylinder: 2
Bottom radius of cylinder: 1
The height of an equilateral cone: 3 (we study the axial section, and then we get the height of an equilateral triangle three times the radius of its inscribed circle)
Base radius of equilateral triangle: root 3
Using the volume formula of cylinder and cone, the volume ratio of circumscribed cylinder and circumscribed equilateral cone is obtained
Building owner,

For example, lna-2 / a = 1 can only be solved by Lambert function

Physics above senior high school can't be solved basically
For example, the integral form of the famous Maxwell equations
Without University, even multiple integral can not be understood

Application of quadratic equation of one variable in the third grade of junior high school
On April 30, 2008, after the Qinglong mountain resort was officially opened to the public, the test found that the daily ticket income had a certain relationship with the ticket price. When the ticket price was 40 yuan per person, the average number of people coming every day was 380. When the ticket price increased by 1 yuan, the average number of people decreased by 2 every day?
How to set up the equation? I tried several methods, but I couldn't work out the answer
The answer is 150 and 80
I ask for a process
It's too hard to count

Add X Yuan
X1=40 X2=110
So when X1 = 40, the price is: 40 + 40 = 80 yuan
When x2 = 110, the price is: 110 + 40 = 150 yuan

Application of quadratic equation of one variable in the third grade of junior high school
There are 10 more players in each row than the number of cards. How many rows are there and how many people are there in each row

Suppose there are x people in each row
According to the meaning of the title:
X = 25 or x = - 15
A: there are 25 people in each row and 15 rows
Note: ^ is the power

Finding the integer solution of equation (x-3y) (3x + 5Y) = - 11

(x-3y) (3x + 5Y) = - 11 = 1 * (- 11) = - 1 * 11, so it can be divided into four cases: x-3y = 1, x-3y = - 1, x-3y = 11, x-3y = - 113x + 5Y = - 11, 3x + 5Y = 11, 3x + 5Y = - 1, 3x + 5Y = 1, 3x = 26 / 7, x = - 26 / 7Y = - 1, y = 1, y = - 17 / 7, y = 17 / 7. The integer solution is x = - 2, x = 2Y = -

Finding the integer solution of the equation XY + 3x-5y = 3

XY + 3x-5y = 3, x = (5Y + 3) / (y + 3) = 5-12 / (y + 3) x is an integer, then 12 / (y + 3) is an integer, y + 3 = ± 1 ± 2 ± 3 ± 4 ± 6 ± 12, y = - 2, x = - 7, y = - 2, x = - 7, y = - 2, x = - 7Y = - 2, x = - 7

Find the integer solution which satisfies the equation 3x + 5Y = 143 and makes | X-Y | minimum
Find the integer solution which satisfies the equation 3x + 5Y = 143 and makes | X-Y | minimum

If the absolute value of X-Y is the smallest, then X-Y or Y-X is the smallest
Then y = 63 when x = 80
Or y = 80 when x = 63
Have the smallest integer solution 63

Binary linear equation problem
Before the discount, it cost 1080 yuan to buy 60 items a and B, and 840 yuan to buy 50 items a and 10 items B. after the discount, it cost 9600 yuan to buy 500 items a and 500 items B, how much less than no discount

Let a be x and B be y
60x+60y=1080 50x+10y=840
The solution is x = 16.5, y = 1.5

How long does it take for a car to stop from braking to parking? (2) how much deceleration does it take per second from braking to parking? (3) how long does it take for a car to slide to 15m after braking?

T = 2.5s (this should use high school physics knowledge)
A is the acceleration, s is the distance, V is the velocity
A is 8, so the deceleration is 8 m / s per second
T = root of two 15