If four hook codes have been hung on the third grid on the left, how can the lever ruler be balanced on the right? There are several hanging methods

If four hook codes have been hung on the third grid on the left, how can the lever ruler be balanced on the right? There are several hanging methods

If it's not necessarily linked to the integer lattice, there seem to be countless linked methods. For example, you can divide the first lattice infinitely. Of course, this is a joke
If the number of lattices must be integers and cannot have multiple lattice hooks at the same time, then there are 12 lattices in the first lattice, 6 lattices in the second lattice, 4 lattices in the third lattice, 3 lattices in the fourth lattice, 2 lattices in the sixth lattice or 1 lattices in the twelfth lattice
If there can be more than one lattice to hook code at the same time, it can be obtained according to the following equation
Let an be the number of cells of a lattice with hooks, and BN be the number of hooks on this lattice
A1*B1+A2*B2+A3*B3+…… +An*Bn=12
Where an and BN are integers between 1 and 12
In fact, the second case is the solution when n = 1
(the equation can give all the results by computer programming.)
Hope to be helpful to the owner

The lever is balanced by two forces. When the direction of only one of the forces is changed, the lever ()
A. Balance must be broken B. balance must not be broken C. balance may not be broken D. cannot be determined

The lever is balanced under the action of two forces. When the direction of only one of the forces is changed, the arm of the force must be changed, then the product of the power arm and the power arm and the resistance arm must not be equal, and the balance must be destroyed

If a lever which is in equilibrium is still balanced after another force is applied, then the force is ()
A. It can only act on the action point of the power B. It can only act on the action point of the resistance C. It can only act on the fulcrum D. It can act on any point of the lever, and the action line of the force passes through the fulcrum

The left moment (the product of force and arm of force) is: F left × l left; the right moment is: F right × l right; if the lever is known to be balanced, then: F left × l left = f right × l right; if a force F is added to one side of the lever, if the lever is still balanced, then the condition of: F left × l left = f right × l right must be satisfied; therefore, the arm of the applied force F must be 0 (that is, the moment is 0), then there are two cases: ① force F (2) the line of action of force F passes through the fulcrum. Obviously, D is more in line with the meaning of the topic, so D is chosen

If a lever which is in equilibrium is still in equilibrium after another force is applied, then the force is zero

The arm of the force is zero, that is, the line of action of the force coincides with the line of fulcrum and lever

Under the action of force, the lever is in the position of____ State or do slow____ The lever is balanced
There is another
If a peddler lightens the weight of a steelyard, when the steelyard is used to weigh the same object, the weight of the object is heavier than the actual weight_____ (large, small or equal). This is what the peddler makes with the scale____ This kind of scale is forbidden in big cities

Under the action of force, the lever is in the position of_ Stillness_ State or do slow__ Rotation__ The leverage is balanced
(Niu Erlu)
If a peddler lightens the weight of a steelyard, when the steelyard is used to weigh the same object, the weight of the object is heavier than the actual weight__ Big_ (large, small or equal). This is what the peddler makes with the scale_ Sell_ This kind of scale is forbidden in big cities
(if the weight is light, the force will be small, so the arm of force will be long, and the number will be large.)

Use the balance condition of lever to analyze what is labor-saving lever, laborious lever and equal force lever

The known lever balance condition is: power (L1) × power arm (F1) = resistance (L2) × resistance arm (F2)
Formula: L1 × F1 = L2 × F2
When L1 < L2, F1 > F2, so it is a laborious lever; for example, tweezers
When L1 > L2, F1 < F2, so it is a labor-saving lever; for example, crowbar
When L1 = L2, F1 = F2, so it is equal arm lever; for example, pallet balance

What is the balance of leverage____ Or____ When the lever is in balance________ .

The equilibrium state of a lever is a state of static or uniform rotation around the fulcrum. When the lever is in equilibrium, the condition is that the torque at both ends of the fulcrum is equal

As shown in the figure, the lever is in a balanced state. If the indication of the spring dynamometer changes to the original 12, you can ()
A. Reduce one hook code B. reduce two hook codes C. reduce three hook codes D. move the hook code to the left one small space

As shown in the figure, the lever used to be balanced, F1 × L1 = F2 × L2. Now: the power arm and resistance arm remain unchanged, and the power becomes the original 12. To make the lever balanced, G also needs to become the original 12, that is, to reduce the two hook codes

Why should we keep the lever balanced in the horizontal position

This has two purposes:
1. After hanging the hook code, keep the balance in the horizontal position, so that the measurement of the arm of force only needs to see how many grids the suspension position is from the fulcrum. If the length of each grid is known, then the arm of force can be read directly
Simple point is: easy to measure arm of force
2. The gravity of the lever itself does not affect the result of the experiment
To put it simply: make the center of gravity of the lever fall on the fulcrum

What is the balance condition of leverage

Power x power arm = resistance x resistance arm