How can latitude and longitude be converted into degrees, minutes and seconds?

How can latitude and longitude be converted into degrees, minutes and seconds?

Turn 109.90581 to 109 degrees 54 minutes 21 seconds, open excel, input the longitude and latitude value in the first row and first column cell. For example, 109.90581 paste the formula = int (A1) & degree & int ((a1-int (A1)) * 60) & minute & round (((a1-int (A1)) * 60-int ((a1-int (A1)) * 60)) * 60,0) & second into B1, and enter

Conversion of angle in degrees, minutes and seconds
How many degrees does 34 ° 20 'equal
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So: 34 ° 20 = 34.33 degree, 2.52.26 ° = 52 ° + 0.26 ° 0.26 degree = 0.26 * 60 = 15.6 '= 15' + 0.6 '= 15' + 0.6 * 60 ″ = 15 '36 ″ so: 52.26 ° = - 52 --? -- 15 - ′ -- 36 - ″ 3.35 ° 20'18 ″ = first second component: 1


180 ° / 2 = 90 ° 90 ° 32 ′ 24 ″ / 2 = 45 ° 16 ′ 12 ″ (180 ° - 90 ° 32 ′ 24 ″) / 2 = 90 ° - 45 ° 16 ′ 12 ″ = 44 ° 43 ′ 48 ″ (1 ° = 60 ′ 1 ′ = 60 ′′) 32 "* 5 = 160" = 2'40 "17 '* 5 = 85' = 1 ° 25'27 '* 5 = 135 ° add up to 136 ° 27'40" plus 12 ° 34 ′ 51 ″ equals to

Please explain everything in detail

17.2 degrees equals 17 degrees and 12 minutes
19 degrees 36 minutes is 19.6 degrees
93.125 degrees equals 93 degrees, 7 minutes, 30 seconds