Calculation formula of stirrup length in column

Calculation formula of stirrup length in column

Length of single stirrup = outer perimeter of member section - 8 * protective layer + 4 * stirrup diameter + increased length of hook
Number of stirrups = (member length - thickness of reinforcement cover) / stirrup spacing + 1
Length of stirrup = length of single stirrup * number of stirrups

Calculation formula and process of single cutting length of stirrup?
Stirrup perimeter and calculation formula, stirrup adjustment value formula;

In the formula, stirrup perimeter = 2 * (outer width + outer length); outer width = b-2c + 2D; outer length = h-2c + 2D; B × H = member cross section width × height; C - protective layer thickness of longitudinal reinforcement; D

Calculation formula of column stirrup length

Length of stirrup in column: length of single stirrup = perimeter of outer edge of member section - 8 * protective layer + 4 * stirrup diameter + increased length of hook
Number of stirrups = (member length - thickness of reinforcement cover) / stirrup spacing + 1
Length of stirrup = length of single stirrup * number of stirrups

Calculation formula of various stirrups?

1. Calculation formula of cutting length of rectangular stirrup: cutting length of stirrup = stirrup perimeter + stirrup adjustment value (Table 1)
In the formula, stirrup perimeter = 2 * (outsourcing width + outsourcing length); outsourcing width = b-2c + 2D; outsourcing length = h-2c + 2D; B × H = member cross section width × height; C - protective layer thickness of longitudinal reinforcement; D - stirrup diameter. 2. Calculation example of a seismic frame beam midspan section size B × H = 250mm × 500mm, stirrup in the beam is φ 6@150 , The cover thickness of longitudinal reinforcement C = 25 mm, Find the cutting length of a stirrup. Outer width = b-2c + 2D = 250-2 × 25 + 2 × 6 = 212 (mm) outer length = h-2c + 2D = 500-2 × 25 + 2 × 6 = 462 (mm) stirrup cutting length = stirrup perimeter + stirrup adjustment value = 2 * (outer width + outer length) + 110 (adjustment value) = 2 * (212 + 462) + 110 = 1458 (mm) ≈ 1460 (mm) (seismic stirrup) Stirrup form: structural stirrup hook length LP stirrup diameter hpb235 HRB335 crb550 68 10 12 8 10 12 5 6 7 8 90 ° / 90 ° general structure LP ≥ 5D 5D 6D 5.28d 30 40 50 60 50 60 70 30 40 135 ° / 135 ° seismic structure LP ≥ 10 18 d 20 d 18.4d 110 140 180 160 200 240 90 110 130 15 The calculation of stirrup length in aseismic structure. Suppose a frame beam section size BXH, cover thickness C, stirrup diameter D, reinforcement calculated by skin, hook is 135 °, then stirrup length = (b-2c + 2D) * 2 + (h-2c + 2D) * 2 + (1.9d + max (10d, 75mm)) * 2 (b-2c + 2D) * 2 and (h-2c + 2D) * 2 are not difficult to understand, readers can analyze as long as they draw a sketch, In this formula, 1.9d * 2 is the arc increase value of two hooks of stirrup due to 135 ° bending, because I don't have a picture here, I won't repeat it. The origin of max (10d, 75mm) is stipulated in the code for acceptance of concrete structure, and the length of straight section of stirrup hook of seismic structure should not be less than 10d, If the stirrup is calculated according to the center line, the formula is stirrup length = (b-2c + D) * 2 + (h-2c + D) * 2 + (1.9d + max (10d, 75mm)) * 2 interested readers can analyze the differences between the two formulas and correct the reasons: the straight section should be two sections of stirrup length = (b-2c + D) * 2 + (h-2c + D) * 2 + (1.9d + 10d) * 2

How to calculate the length of sheet metal in steel plate rolling circle

There are two ways: 1. Weigh the total weight, and then weigh the mass of 1 meter long steel plate, the total weight divided by 1 meter long mass is the length of steel plate; 2. Measure the thickness of steel plate D, inner diameter D1 and outer diameter D2 after rounding. Using the calculation formula of circumference and diameter, the length of steel plate can be calculated as follows: 3.14 * {[(1 + 2 + 3 +. + (d2-d

The formula of circle


All the formulas about circle

S circle = the square of π × R; C circle = 2 π R or π D
Sector arc length L = n π R / 180 sector area s = (n π R ^ 2) / 360 = LR / 2
Cone side area s = π RL the center angle of cone side expansion (sector) n = 360r / L (R is the bottom radius, l is the bus length)
Standard equation of circle: in the plane rectangular coordinate system, the standard equation of circle with O (a, b) as the center and R as the radius is (x-a) ^ 2 + (y-b) ^ 2 = R ^ 2
General equation of the circle: expand the standard equation of the circle, shift the term, and merge the similar terms. The general equation of the circle is x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + DX + ey + F = 0 (where d ^ 2 + e ^ 2-4f > 0). Compared with the standard equation, d = - 2A, e = - 2b, f = a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-r ^ 2. The center coordinates of the circle are (- D / 2, - E / 2), and the radius is r = 0.5 √ d ^ 2 + e ^ 2-4f
The parametric equation of a circle: the parametric equation of a circle with O (a, b) as the center and R as the radius is x = a + R * cos θ, y = B + R * sin θ (where θ is the parameter)
The end formula of circle: if two points a (A1, B1), B (A2, B2) are known, the equation of circle with line AB as diameter is (x-a1) (x-a2) + (y-b1) (y-b2) = 0
The eccentricity of a circle e = 0, and the radius of curvature at any point on the circle is r
The tangent equation passing through a point m (A0, B0) on the circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = R ^ 2 is A0 * x + B0 * y = R ^ 2
If a point m (A0, B0) outside the circle (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = R ^ 2) leads to two tangents of the circle, and the two tangents are a and B, then the equation of the line where a and B are located is also A0 * x + B0 * y = R ^ 2
In the plane, the general method to judge the position relationship between the straight line ax + by + C = 0 and the circle x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + DX + ey + F = 0 is as follows:
1. From ax + by + C = 0, we can get y = (- c-ax) / b (where B is not equal to 0), and substitute it into x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + DX + ey + F = 0 to form a quadratic equation of one variable f (x) = 0. By using the sign of discriminant B ^ 2-4ac, we can determine the position relationship between circle and line as follows:
If B ^ 2-4ac > 0, there are two intersections between circle and line
If B ^ 2-4ac = 0, the circle and the line have 1 intersection, that is, the circle and the line are tangent
If B ^ 2-4ac

How to calculate the expansion length
The diameter is 6 mm round steel

The diameter is 6, calculated according to the pitch diameter
130-6-13 * 2 + (40-3-13) * 2 + (10 + 3) * 3.14 = 98 + 48 + 40.82 = 186.82 (theoretical calculation)
Now there is a calculation software, for you to do a bit, with the theory of this error is about 1, screenshot is as follows

How to calculate the length of a circle

The length of the circle = 2 π R (π is the circumference, approximate 3.1415, R is the radius length of the circle)

How to calculate the length of a circle

The length of the circle = 2 π R (π is the circumference, approximate 3.1415, R is the radius length of the circle)