The express and local trains leave from both places at the same time. The express trains travel 33 kilometers per hour. The meeting is four seventh of the whole journey. It is known that it takes 8 hours for the local train to complete the whole journey

The express and local trains leave from both places at the same time. The express trains travel 33 kilometers per hour. The meeting is four seventh of the whole journey. It is known that it takes 8 hours for the local train to complete the whole journey

(1-47) × 8 × 33 / 47, = 37 × 8 × 33 / 47, = 247 × 33 / 47, = 6 × 33, = 198 (km), a: the distance between a and B is 198 km

The express and local trains leave from both places at the same time. The express trains travel 33 kilometers per hour. The meeting is four seventh of the whole journey. It is known that it takes 8 hours for the local train to complete the whole journey

(1-47) × 8 × 33 / 47, = 37 × 8 × 33 / 47, = 247 × 33 / 47, = 6 × 33, = 198 (km), a: the distance between a and B is 198 km

The express train and the local train leave from a and B at the same time. The express train runs 33 meters per hour. When it meets, it is already four seventh of the whole journey,
Known slow train to complete the entire journey to 8 hours, seeking a and B distance

Let the whole journey be x km, it took t hours to meet, and the speed of local train is x / 8
According to the title; list the equations
Finally, x = 198km

The express and local trains leave from both places at the same time. The express trains travel 33 kilometers per hour. The meeting is four seventh of the whole journey. It is known that it takes 8 hours for the local train to complete the whole journey

(1-47) × 8 × 33 / 47, = 37 × 8 × 33 / 47, = 247 × 33 / 47, = 6 × 33, = 198 (km), a: the distance between a and B is 198 km

The highway between a and B is 416 km long. Two cars run from two places at the same time. Four hours later, the two cars meet. It is known that the express car runs 12 km more per hour than the local car. How many kilometers do the two cars walk per hour?

Let the slow train run x kilometers per hour, the fast train run x + 12 kilometers per hour, 4x + 4 × (x + 12) = 416, & nbsp; & nbsp; 4x + 4x + 48-48 = 416-48, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 8x △ 8 = 368 △ 8, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

The formula of the profit problem of the first day of junior high school

Pricing = cost + profit = cost × profit rate
Pricing = cost × (1 + profit margin) profit margin = profit △ cost
Percentage of profit = (selling price cost) △ cost × 100% selling price = pricing × discount percentage
Interest = principal × interest rate × number of periods principal and interest = principal × (1 + interest rate × number of periods)

It's better to be in grade one and grade two^^

1. Speed formula of uniform linear motion: v = s / T, distance: S = VT, time: T = s / V 2, speed formula of variable speed linear motion: v = s / T 3, relationship between weight and mass of object: g = Mg (g = 9.8N / kg) 4, definition formula of density, density of matter: ρ = m / V, quality of matter

It's a calculation formula of some figures, like a circular cone

It can only be said that you are too lazy. These things need to be sorted out by yourself. What's the use of other people's sorting out for you? Really!

Discount sales / education savings formula
RT. & nbsp; & nbsp; cost =... & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; price =... & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; profit =... & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; margin =... & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Education Savings & nbsp; in order to prepare for Xiaoying's college tuition of 5000 yuan in six years, her parents now participate in education savings, There are two ways to save: 1. Deposit a 3-year term first, and then automatically transfer the principal and interest to a 3-year term (3-year interest rate is 2.7%). 2. Deposit a 6-year term directly (6-year interest rate is 2.88%). Which one do you think has less principal to deposit? & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; &Just tell me the formula to solve this problem

3-year period: 5000 x 2.7% = 135 yuan, 5135 x 2.7% = 139.64 yuan,
135 + 139.64 = 274.64 yuan;
6-year term: 5000 x 2.88% = 144 yuan;
It is still valid for three years

It takes 40 minutes for a to walk a part of the way and 30 minutes for B to walk a part of the way. Starting from the same place, a walks for 5 minutes first, B starts to chase, and B starts to chase___ It's only ten minutes to catch up with a

So B can catch up with a in 15 minutes