The distance between the two when catching up___________ =The distance between the two at departure

The distance between the two when catching up___________ =The distance between the two at departure


What is the distance between the former and the latter

This is a question of pursuit, isn't it

Chasing problem: the distance of chasing -- the distance of being chased = the distance between two places

Chasing problem: if Party A and Party B go to different places in the same direction, the distance taken by the pursuer = the distance taken by the pursuee + the distance between the two places
Encounter problem: Party A and Party B are facing each other. The distance a takes + the distance b takes = the distance between the two places
So, your equation is true

If a and B go to different places in the same direction, the distance taken by the pursuer = the distance taken by the former () the distance between the two places is expected to show an equivalent relationship
Can you explain why

The distance taken by the pursuer = the distance taken by the former (+) the distance between the two places

The distance of the pursuer - the distance of the former=
The distance of a fast runner - the distance of a jogger=
Two person road = runway length

Distance of fast runner - distance of jogger = speed difference

How to calculate the volume of three pile cap? How much is the calculation formula? Ask for detailed explanation

If you don't provide drawings or relevant dimensions, how can someone help you?

Calculation formula for area and volume of equilateral three pile cap

The plane shape area of three pile cap is the area of a large triangle minus the area of three small triangles, and the area of equilateral triangle is equal to 1 / 2 side length × height = 1 / 2 side length × (side length ×√ 3 / 2) = √ 3 / 4 × side length & # 178; the area of large and small triangles are calculated by this formula
Its volume is a cube of equal height, as long as the area is multiplied by the thickness (height) of the pile cap

I want to know all about cylinders, cones, rectangles, squares, trapezoids, circles, parallelograms and so on
Anyway, just tell me the formula of area and volume. Of course, you should also indicate the shape of the formula. It's very easy to ask

The perimeter, area and volume of the figure: 1) perimeter (the length around the outside) C △ = the sum of the lengths of three sides C rectangle = (length + width) × 2 C parallelogram = 2 times of the sum of the lengths of two adjacent sides C square = side length × 4 C diamond = side length × 4 C circle = 2 π R (R is radius) = π D (D is diameter) C trapezoid = two bottom lengths + two waist lengths (2) surface

What is the pursuit distance of the problem? Is it the distance difference between two people? Is the pursuit time the time taken by the latter to catch up with the former?
Then, the final formula of pursuit is in colloquial terms:
Time taken by one person behind to catch up with the one in front × speed difference between two persons = distance difference
Is it "time taken by one person behind to catch up with one person in front × speed difference between two persons = distance difference between two persons"?

Congratulations on your correct answer, but not rigorous enough
The time taken by one person behind to catch up with one person in front × the speed difference between the two = the distance difference between the two people in pursuit

In pursuit problem, pursuit time = pursuit distance / speed difference. For example, a starts at 10 minutes speed V, B pursues a at 3V, and pursuit time is t. then the speed difference is 2V, and what is the pursuit distance?

The pursuit distance is the distance a had at the beginning
Are you asking for t?
T is 5 minutes