Mathematical problems of senior two about sequence of numbers It is known that the unequal positive numbers A1, A2,... An form an equal ratio sequence, and AI ≠ 1, (I = 1,2,..., n) Prove: 1 / lga1 times lga2 + 1 / lga2 times lga3 +... + 1 / lgan-1 times lgan = n-1 / lga1 times lgan

Mathematical problems of senior two about sequence of numbers It is known that the unequal positive numbers A1, A2,... An form an equal ratio sequence, and AI ≠ 1, (I = 1,2,..., n) Prove: 1 / lga1 times lga2 + 1 / lga2 times lga3 +... + 1 / lgan-1 times lgan = n-1 / lga1 times lgan

Let the common ratio be q.1/lga1ga2 = (1 / lga1-1 / lga2) / lgq, so the original formula = lgq (1 / lga1-1 / lga2 + 1 / lga2. + 1 / lgan) = lgq (1 / lga1 + 1 / lgan) = n-1 / lga1gan