Momentum and kinetic energy are conserved simultaneously, and the formula of velocity is obtained

Momentum and kinetic energy are conserved simultaneously, and the formula of velocity is obtained

You're talking about collisions. Any collision is a conservation of momentum. Only elastic collisions are in accordance with the conservation of kinetic energy. U1 = - V1 + 2 (M1 * V1 + M2 * V2) / (M1 + m2) = - V1 + 2VC U2 = - V2 + 2 (M1 * V1 + M2 * V2) / (M1 + m2) = - V2 + 2VC

Is momentum conserved in inelastic collisions?

No matter what collision, as long as the external force is zero, then momentum is conserved
There is a loss of kinetic energy in inelastic collisions

In the conservation of momentum, what does elastic collision, incompletely elastic collision and completely inelastic collision mean? Please be specific (for example) thank you!
If the mechanical energy is not conserved, what energy does it turn into? Must two objects move together in a completely inelastic collision?
Can two objects be connected after an incompletely elastic collision? Why?
Will they be connected after a fully elastic collision? Why? Please give some examples, thank you

(1) Elastic collision
Momentum conservation, mechanical energy conservation, collision does not generate heat
If the masses of two objects are equal, an important conclusion can be drawn that the two objects exchange velocities
For example: Billiards collision can be regarded as this kind of situation, so we can see that sometimes, when a ball hits another static ball, it stops and exchanges speed
(2) Incompletely elastic collision
Momentum conservation, collision heating, part of the mechanical energy into internal energy
(3) Completely inelastic collision
After the collision, it will move at the same speed, conserve momentum, and generate the most heat
This kind of collision is the most common. For example, if a bullet goes into a wood block, it is completely inelastic if it does not go through it. If it goes through it, it is incompletely elastic