2/3X-28+3/4X-52=X How to solve it

2/3X-28+3/4X-52=X How to solve it

Like this question oneself tries under, next time will be able to!

If 4x = 3x 7, what is the reason for 4x - () = 7

4X = 3x + 7, then 4x - (3x) = 7
The reason is that if you subtract an equal quantity from both sides of the equation, the equation still holds

When x=______ The formula 4x + 8 is equal to 3x - 10

According to the meaning of the question, 4x + 8 = 3x-10, the solution is: x = - 18

Solutions of the first order equation of two variables 3x-5y = 6,2x-3y = 4

3x-5y = 6,2x-3y = 4 is reduced to 6x-10y = 12,6x-9y = 12
So x = 2, y = 0