Given the equation x ^ 3 + 2x ^ 2-3x-6 = 0, how many real roots can be found by dichotomy How to find the interval for such questions? Is it a trial one by one?

Given the equation x ^ 3 + 2x ^ 2-3x-6 = 0, how many real roots can be found by dichotomy How to find the interval for such questions? Is it a trial one by one?

If one root is - 2, let (x ^ 3 + 2x2-3x-6) / (x + 2) = (x ^ 2-3) get x ^ 3 + 2x2-3x-6 = (x + 2) (x ^ 2-3) = (x + 2) (x + radical 3) (x-radical 3) easily get three solutions of X - 2, - radical 3 and radical 3. The specific interval can be brought into the middle value

C program experiment: using dichotomy to find the root of the following equation 2x ^ 3-4x ^ 2 + 3x-6 = 0, the error is less than 0.00001

If you don't understand, you can explain it again. If you feel satisfied with the answer, please click adopt instead of close the question
double f(double x)
return 2*x*x*x-4*x*x+3*x-6;
double left=-100,right=100,mid;
double ans;
else if(ans1e-5);

Write a program to find the root of equation 2x3-4x2 + 3x-6 = 0 between (- 10,10) by dichotomy
Using do while statement
The calculation steps of dichotomy are as follows
Prepare to calculate the values f (a), f (b) of F (x) at the end of the rooted interval [a, b]
Dichotomize the value of F (x) at (a + b) / 2 in the interval f [(a + b) / 2]
If f [(a + b) / 2] = 0, it is the root, and the calculation process ends
Otherwise, test:
If f [(a + b) / 2] is different from F (a), then the root is in the interval [a, (a + b) / 2], and (a + b) / 2 replaces B;
If f [(a + b) / 2] has the same sign as f (a), then the root is in the interval [(a + b) / 2, b], and (a + b) / 2 is used to replace a;
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the length of interval [a, b] is reduced to the allowable error range, and the midpoint (a + b) / 2 is the root
I did it. I don't know what went wrong
void main()
float a=-10.0;
float b=10.0;
float fc,fa,c;
if (fc==0)
printf("the result is %lf.\n",c);
if (fa*fc0.1e-6);
printf("the result is %lf.\n",c);

using namespace std;
double p(double x)
return 2*x*x*x-4*x*x+3*x-6;
int main()
double a,b;
cin >> a >> b;
double fa = p(a),fb = p(b),fm;
fm = p((a+b)/2);
if(fm==0) break;