Uncle Wang, a farmer, has 600 square meters of vegetable land, of which two fifths are tomatoes, and the rest are cucumbers and eggplants according to the area ratio of 3:1. How many square meters are cucumbers planted?

Uncle Wang, a farmer, has 600 square meters of vegetable land, of which two fifths are tomatoes, and the rest are cucumbers and eggplants according to the area ratio of 3:1. How many square meters are cucumbers planted?

Wait a minute

If the area of cucumber is 80% larger than that of tomato, how many square meters of cucumber and tomato are planted?
We need to use the solution of the equation to calculate
Write the process after listing the formula

Let the area of a tomato be X
The area of cucumber is 1400-500 = 900

One of the math problems is that the vegetable field is XX square meters, with cucumbers planted on one side and tomatoes planted on the other. It is said that the area of cucumbers is 80% larger than that of tomatoes
Excuse me, what's this 80%? The whole vegetable field? The tomato? The cucumber? I don't like this kind of question. The narration is wrong. I don't understand who's 80%? How to do it?

"The area of cucumber is 80% larger than that of Tomato" means that the area of cucumber is 80% larger than that of tomato besides being as large as that of tomato. Therefore, this 80% is 80% of that of tomato
Tip: generally, the quantity after the word "Bi" is unit 1