There is a triangular traffic sign. Paint both sides of it. Use 1.2kg of paint. Paint 0.6kg per square meter. The height of the triangle It's 0.8 meters, how long is its bottom edge

There is a triangular traffic sign. Paint both sides of it. Use 1.2kg of paint. Paint 0.6kg per square meter. The height of the triangle It's 0.8 meters, how long is its bottom edge

Vomit bad star people,
On one side: 1.2 △ 2 = 0.6 (km)
The area is: 0.6 △ 0.6 = 1 (square meter)
The length of the bottom edge is: 1 × 2 △ 0.8 = 2.5 (m)

A rectangular billboard is 9.8 meters long and 5.6 meters wide. Use paint to brush this billboard. Use 0.75 kg of paint per square meter. How many kg of paint does this billboard need?
The net weight of each barrel of paint is 15 kg. How many barrels of paint must I buy back at least?

Area of billboard = 9.8 × 5.6 = 54.88 square meters
Paint required = 0.75 × 54.88 = 41.16 kg
41.16 △ 15 = 2 barrels The remaining 11.16 kg, 11.16 kg to buy a barrel
2 + 1 = 3 barrels
A: this billboard needs 41.16 kg of paint. At least 3 barrels of paint have to be bought back

There's a triangular traffic sign. Paint both sides of it. Paint 0.84kg per square. Paint 0.7kg per square. The height of the triangle is 0.8m
What's the length of his low side

Let X be the bottom edge
Just solve X
To explain, 0.8x/2 is the triangle area, then * 2 is the front and back area, and then 0.84/m2 times the area is 0.7kg