If n is not a natural number, then all even numbers can be expressed as____ All odd numbers can be expressed as____ The number divisible by 5 can be expressed as___ The number 2 divided by 3 can be expressed as___ .

If n is not a natural number, then all even numbers can be expressed as____ All odd numbers can be expressed as____ The number divisible by 5 can be expressed as___ The number 2 divided by 3 can be expressed as___ .

2n 2n-1 5n 3n+2

A natural number is divided by 2 to 1, by 3 to 2, by 5 to 4. What is the minimum natural number?

The minimum number is 2 × 3 × 5-1 = 29

1. The largest odd number of two digits divisible by 3 is () 2. The smallest even number of two digits divisible by 3 is () 3. The number of two digits whose bit 0 is a multiple of 3 is ()
4. The largest two odd numbers divisible by 3 and 5 are ()

1. The largest two odd numbers divisible by 3 are (99)
2. The smallest two even numbers divisible by 3 are (12)
3. The two digits of which 0 is a multiple of 3 are (30,60,90)
4. The largest two odd numbers divisible by 3 and 5 are (75)