How to judge whether a five digit input is palindrome number, such as "12321" Enter a five digit number on the keyboard to determine whether it is a five digit number, such as "12321", which is palindrome number!

How to judge whether a five digit input is palindrome number, such as "12321" Enter a five digit number on the keyboard to determine whether it is a five digit number, such as "12321", which is palindrome number!

Split the five digit number (character or arithmetic), judge: if the first and fifth digit are equal, and the second and fourth digit are equal, it is palindrome number

How many palindromes are there in all three digits
It must be right!


A 6-digit palindromic number, which is divided by 95, is still a palindromic number, to find the divisor

The divisor is 527725
Let the number be [abccba]
Only numbers with 5 or 0 bits can be divisible by 95
Let a = 0
The divisor is [0bccb0]
It doesn't conform to the meaning of the title
The divisor is [5bccb5]
The formula is [5bccb5] △ 95 = [5dd5] (write
It is easy to see that d = 5
The divisor is 527725