A five digit palindrome number, divided by 45, gets a four digit palindrome number. The original five digit palindrome number is ()

A five digit palindrome number, divided by 45, gets a four digit palindrome number. The original five digit palindrome number is ()

The original five digit palindrome number is 5494559895,
The first digit of a four digit palindrome number can only be 1 or 2. If it is greater than 2, multiply it by 45 to get a six digit number. If it is 2, you need to multiply it by 5 to get 0, and the multiplier can't start with 0, so 2 can't be the first and last digit of a four digit palindrome number;
When it is 1, you can try 10011112211311441. Multiply these numbers by 45 to see if they are palindromic numbers. When you multiply them by 12211331, you get 54945; 59895. So the answer is 5494559895

In natural number "1", the number "1" appears once; in natural number "31", the number "1" appears once; in natural number "121", the number "1" appears twice
How many times does the number "1" appear in the 1000 natural numbers?

There is one in the single digits
10 + 9 in the tens
There are 100 + 10 * 9 + 10 * 9 in the hundreds
One in a thousand
Total 301

Write: output all 100 to 200 palindromes (write a program to calculate palindromes in the range of 100-200)

That's OK. Just judge whether the 100th is consistent with you
public staticvoid Main()
int sum=0;
for(int i =100;i