It is known that a five bit palindrome is equal to 45, and that a five bit palindrome is equal to the product of 45 and a four bit palindrome It is known that a five bit palindrome is equal to the product of 45 and a four bit palindrome (abcda = 45xdeed)

It is known that a five bit palindrome is equal to 45, and that a five bit palindrome is equal to the product of 45 and a four bit palindrome It is known that a five bit palindrome is equal to the product of 45 and a four bit palindrome (abcda = 45xdeed)

Because 99999 (maximum five digits) / 45 = 2222.2, so thousands of digits (d) of four palindromes can only be 2 or 1. When d = 2, the number (2) multiplied by 45 shows that a = 0, which is inconsistent with the question. When d = 1, a = 5, and 59995 / 45 = 1333.250005/45 = 1111.2, so e can only be 2 or 3: when e = 2