If a natural number reverses each number, it is still itself. This number is palindrome number, such as 606, 90509. How many palindromic numbers are there from 1 to 1000000? How to find them?

If a natural number reverses each number, it is still itself. This number is palindrome number, such as 606, 90509. How many palindromic numbers are there from 1 to 1000000? How to find them?

In natural numbers, the smallest palindrome number is 0, followed by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,991011111211311411511711812022122222222422622722822923033133333333333333333533673383393,40

Write similar palindrome equations, such as: 74 + 47 = 121, 21 * 12 = 252, 77 * 78 = 6006, one for each

29+92=121 38+83=121 56+65=121

Palindrome palindrome

Huiwen xuantu poem
Open a far stream, walk on the path of fireworks. Visitors to Xianting leisure with crane, boat fishing full of gulls
Looking back at the four mountains, watching the setting sun, nestling in the forest and the water, the trees are green
It can be read backwards as follows:
Long green water nestles in the woods, watching the mountains at sunset and looking back. The ancient temple in the secluded forest is lonely and bright, and the cold well and cold spring are blue and reflecting on the terrace
Gulls flying all over the lake, fishing boats flooding, cranes accompanying leisure Pavilion, cyclamen
Who is the first one to write palindrome poems in the history of literature? Zhu cunxiao said in the preface to the collection of palindrome poems that "since Su Boyu's wife's" Pan Shi "as the beginning, Dou Tao's wife wrote" Xuanji Tu "and" Da Bei ". Whether" Pan Shi "is" Zhao Duan "or not is still different, but it is a fact recognized by ancient and modern scholars that palindrome poems are" Da Bei "because of" Xuanji Tu "
The origin of appreciating flowers
One afternoon in June, Su Xiaomei and her elder brother Su Dongpo were boating on the lake, enjoying the boundless scenery. Suddenly someone presented a letter from her husband Qin Shaoyou
After reading it, Su Xiaomei smiles and immediately realizes the mystery of it. She reads out this reduplicated palindrome poem
Thinking of Yi for a long time,
Long time resistance to return, I remember parting;
When I remember my parting, I heard the missing turn,
When I hear, I turn to think
Su Xiaomei was deeply moved by her husband's infatuation, and her heart was filled with infinite love. Facing the endless beauty of the West Lake, she imitated Shaoyou's poem style and wrote a return poem to send to her distant relatives
The lotus pickers are in lvyangjin,
In lvyangjin yikaixin;
A new song, Shuyu,
Song is a jade picker
Su Dongpo was deeply pleased by his younger sister's extraordinary intelligence. He was not lonely and pondered a little, so he wrote the following song:
Ma Rufei,
Go to Ma Rufei, the wine is weak;
It's late when I wake up,
When I wake up, it's dusk
Su brothers and sisters also sent their poems to Qin Shaoyou
With the above "flower" has a unified format of two, I feel very good
First, praise the garden?
"Gardener planting trees to build high quality wood in Yutai"
Gardeners plant trees to make wood,
Plant trees to build jade platform
High quality wood of zhuyutai,
High quality wood is planted by gardener
Second, Wu jiangxue, a talented woman from Zhejiang Province in the late Ming Dynasty, wrote four seasons of landscape poetry
The warbler crows on the bank, the willow makes the spring clear, the moon shines on the night,
Fragrant lotus, fresh water, cool wind, long summer,
The shallow current of chuyansu sandbank on Qiujiang River,
The red stove penetrates the charcoal, the cold wind defends the winter
Poems in spring
The warbler crows and the willows clear in spring,
Willow Lane spring clear night moon
Bright moon and clear night, willow in spring,
The willow banks sing warblers in spring
Xia Jingshi (fragrant lotus, clear water, cool summer)
Fragrant lotus, fresh water, cool wind,
Water moving, wind cool, summer long
Long day, cool summer, wind and water,
The cool wind makes the water fragrant
Autumn scenery poem
The geese of Chu in the Qiujiang river live on sandbars,
Yansu sandbank shallow current
The flowing water is shallow and the sand is shallow,
Zhou Sha Su Yan Chu River autumn
Winter scenery poem
The red stove burns the cold wind through the charcoal,
The cold wind keeps out the winter
In the winter, the wind blows and the cold burns the charcoal,
The wind is cold and the charcoal is red
In addition to the above format, there are several other palindromic poems with unique charm
1. On the wall of Guanshan temple in Gaozhou County, Guangdong Province, there is a Hui poem:
Green water and woods,
Watch the mountains at sunset and look around
Lonely moon Temple,
Cold well, cold spring, blue reflecting platform
Gulls flying all over the lake, fishing boats flooding,
The crane accompanies the Cyclamen in the leisure Pavilion
Walking on the path, walking on the flower and smoke,
The stream is far away, and a canopy opens
The reverse reading is as follows:
Open a far stream,
Walk on the path of fireworks
Visitors to the fairy Pavilion accompany the crane,
Boating is full of gulls
Taiying is green, spring is cold, well is cold,
The moon is bright and the temple is secluded
Looking back at the four mountains and watching the sunset,
Nestled in the woods and beside the water, green and leisurely
Second, Li Yu in Song Dynasty had a palindrome poem two Acacia
Poems about wife
The withered eye looks at the remote mountain and separates the water,
How much do you know?
The empty pot is afraid of drinking a glass of wine,
It's hard to write harmonious verse
The people of touluyang have been away for a long time,
There is no wild goose to send back the message
The night of the lonely lamp
reference material: baike.baidu.com/view/46546 .htm