What are the numbers in rational numbers

What are the numbers in rational numbers

Positive rational number, negative rational number 0

Mathematical judgment: the sign of the difference between two rational numbers, which can determine the size of the two numbers

Right, any two different numbers within the range of real numbers can be judged in this way. You can draw the number axis and then look at it to see that the difference between the two numbers is the distance between them. This distance determines the distance between one number and another. The sign of the distance is also the sign of the difference, which determines whether a number is on the left or right side of another number, The numbers on the number axis are bigger on the right side than on the left side, so through such a sign of difference, we can compare the positions of two numbers on the number axis, and then we can know who is bigger and who is smaller

What are two numbers like (5) and + 5 with different symbols

Two numbers are opposite to each other. Call one of them the opposite of the other