Two components F1 = 3N and F2 = 4N are known. The angle between the two components is 90 degrees. Find the resultant force of the two forces

Two components F1 = 3N and F2 = 4N are known. The angle between the two components is 90 degrees. Find the resultant force of the two forces

Because the included angle is 90 degrees, according to the parallelogram rule, f resultant force = root (3 × 3 + 4 × 4) = 5N

If the resultant force of two common forces F1 and F2 is 30n, which of the following values may be the magnitude of F1 and F2?
Write down the reasons and process
This is a multiple choice question!

A powerful composite diagram shows that the two forces and the resultant force form a triangle
The sum of the two sides is greater than the third side, and the difference between the two sides is less than the third side
What can be satisfied is right
A yes

When the magnitude of the two common forces F1 and F2 is in the following group, the resultant force may be 2n,
A、F1=6N F2=1N B、F1=2N F2=1N C、F1=4N F2=1N D、F1=5N F2=2N

Because the resultant force of the two forces can only be greater than the difference between the two forces and less than the sum of the two forces. According to this condition, only item B can be selected