In the natural numbers 1-10, the numbers which are both odd and prime are______ A number that is both an even number and a prime number______ A number that is neither prime nor even has______ .

In the natural numbers 1-10, the numbers which are both odd and prime are______ A number that is both an even number and a prime number______ A number that is neither prime nor even has______ .

In the natural numbers 1-10, the odd and prime numbers are 3, 5 and 7; the even and prime numbers are 2; the neither prime nor even numbers are 1 and 9; so the answers are 3, 5 and 7; 2; 1 and 9

There are 100 natural numbers greater than 0, and the sum of them is 2003. Among these numbers, the odd number is more than the even number, so how many even numbers are there at most?

There are 100 natural numbers, the odd number is more than the even number
Then there are at least 51 odd numbers and 49 even numbers
According to:
Even + even = even
Odd + odd = even
Odd + even = odd
It is concluded that the sum of 51 odd numbers is odd, plus 49 even numbers
The sum should be odd
But 10000 is even
So there are at least 52 odd numbers and 48 even numbers

There are 100 natural numbers that add up to 10000, of which the odd number is more than the even number, and the even number is at most several