The product of the two prime numbers is 111. The two prime numbers are () and ()

The product of the two prime numbers is 111. The two prime numbers are () and ()

The product of the two prime numbers is 111, which are (3) and (37) respectively

Is there 111 in prime number

No, 111 = 3 * 37, so it's a composite number

When n is an integer, is the value of formula n ^ 2 + N + 11 necessarily prime?
Why? The specific analysis process

When n is an integer, is the value of formula n ^ 2 + N + 11 a prime number? A: not necessarily! When n = 1,2,3,. 9, the value of formula n ^ 2 + N + 11: 13,17,23,..., 101 is a prime number. When n = 10, the value of formula n ^ 2 + N + 11 = 121 = 11 * 11 is not a prime number