What is the product of natural numbers less than 10 that are not prime numbers

What is the product of natural numbers less than 10 that are not prime numbers

It's 0
Because 0 is not a prime number, the product of an equation with a factor of 0 is 0

If one of two numbers is prime, then the two numbers are coprime______ (judge right or wrong)

One of the two numbers is prime. These two numbers are not necessarily coprime, such as 7 and 14

Write two coprime numbers according to the following requirements. (1) two prime numbers______ And______ (2) two consecutive natural numbers______ And______ (3) 1 and any natural number______ And______ (4) two combined numbers______ And______ (5) odd and odd numbers______ And______ (6) odd and even numbers______ And______ .

(1) Two prime numbers 5 and 7. (2) two consecutive natural numbers 2 and 3. (3) 1 and any natural numbers 3 and 5. (4) two composite numbers 9 and 10. (5) odd and odd numbers 5 and 7. (6) odd and even numbers 7 and 8. So the answer is: (1) 5, 7; (2) 2, 3; (3) 3, 5; (4) 9, 10; (5) 5, 7; (6) 7, 8