Is 1 a factor of any non-zero natural number correct? Give the reason

Is 1 a factor of any non-zero natural number correct? Give the reason

Yes, because it can be divided by any number

1 234 56789 101112131415. What's the third one on line 82
two hundred and thirty-four
fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine
one hundred and one billion one hundred and twelve million one hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and fifteen
In this triangle, what is the third on line 82

One number in the first line
The second line contains three numbers
The third line contains five numbers
If the fourth line is divided into 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, just 6 numbers, is there 16 after it
If not, 12 numbers
This rule is not obvious
If there is 16, it's easy to calculate

A table of natural numbers arranged in a certain order
Five different numbers can be framed by a cross box with five spaces. Now the sum of the numbers on the four corners of the five numbers in the box is 48. If the sum of the four corners of the five numbers in the box is 624, the middle number is ()
Urgent, tonight,

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