The quotient of a natural number divided by a false fraction is less than the divisor, right Two numbers, no matter what, as long as the product is 1, they must be reciprocal to each other. Right If we say that "the area of corn field is equal to seven ninth of that of wheat field", then "the area of corn field is less than that of wheat field" Two out of nine. Right? Online waiting for the answer, offering a reward of 10 points

The quotient of a natural number divided by a false fraction is less than the divisor, right Two numbers, no matter what, as long as the product is 1, they must be reciprocal to each other. Right If we say that "the area of corn field is equal to seven ninth of that of wheat field", then "the area of corn field is less than that of wheat field" Two out of nine. Right? Online waiting for the answer, offering a reward of 10 points

It's all right

When a = (), it is the largest true fraction. When a = (), it is the smallest false fraction
