If we know that seven a is a false fraction and eight a is a true fraction, then a = () (a is a natural number)

If we know that seven a is a false fraction and eight a is a true fraction, then a = () (a is a natural number)

Because the numerator of false fraction is greater than or equal to the denominator, the denominator of true fraction is greater than the numerator
So 7 ≤ a

A is a natural number. In order to make [a of nine] true fraction and [a of eight] false fraction, a should be ()

A should be (8)

There is a fraction a of 9 (a is a natural number greater than 0). When a (), a of 9 is a true fraction. When a (), a of 9 is a false fraction
When a (), a of 9 is the smallest prime number

There is a fraction 9 / a (a is a natural number greater than 0). When a (less than 9), 9 / A is a true fraction. When a (greater than or equal to), 9 / A is a false fraction. When a (18), 9 / A is the smallest prime number