8 / X (x is a non-zero natural number), which is a true fraction; when x is (), it is the smallest false fraction; when x is greater than (), it is a true fraction; when x is greater than (), it is the smallest false fraction; When x is () Yes, it is the smallest composite number

8 / X (x is a non-zero natural number), which is a true fraction; when x is (), it is the smallest false fraction; when x is greater than (), it is a true fraction; when x is greater than (), it is the smallest false fraction; When x is () Yes, it is the smallest composite number

False fraction: x = 7
True fraction: X is greater than 8
Minimum composite number: x = 2 (4 is the minimum composite number)

In 7 parts x (x is a non-zero natural number), if it is a true fraction, X Max is (), if it is a false fraction, x min is ()?

In X of 7 (x is a non-zero natural number), if it is a true fraction, the maximum of X is (6); if it is a false fraction, the minimum of X is (7)

There is a fraction of 9 / X (x is a non-zero natural number). When x (), the fraction is true; when x (), the fraction is false
There will be

There is a fraction which is 9 / X (x is a non-zero natural number). When x (= 9), this fraction is a false fraction