Can other non-zero natural numbers be converted into pseudo fractions with denominators of 1, 2, 3?

Can other non-zero natural numbers be converted into pseudo fractions with denominators of 1, 2, 3?

Bingduoyou: Hello
Yes, just multiply this non-zero natural number by 1, 2, 3 As a molecule
Good luck and goodbye

The numerator of a false fraction is 55. After it is transformed into a fraction, the integral part, the numerator and the denominator are exactly three consecutive natural numbers

So the denominator is 8. If you add it together, you'll know it's 6 and 7 / 8

The numerator of a false fraction is 47. When it is transformed into a fraction, the numerator, denominator and integral part are three continuous natural numbers
What is the false score? What is the converted band score?

We can't use the equation. Of course, we can only use the trial method. We can only try. But we don't try numbly, but we try skillfully. First of all, it's impossible to try the denominator. First of all, it's impossible for 1, and it's impossible for 2, 3, 4. When the denominator is 5, of course, the maximum is 7 and 6 / 5, and the numerator is 41. So we can't do it. When the denominator is 6, we can see the smallest molecule