-What is the sum of the square of the difference of 10 minus 5 plus five times of the opposite number of 2 / 5? Please explain the formula

-What is the sum of the square of the difference of 10 minus 5 plus five times of the opposite number of 2 / 5? Please explain the formula

Original formula = (- 15) ^ 2-2

Complete square formula: that is, the square of the sum or difference of two numbers, equal to their () plus or minus ()

Complete square formula: the square of the sum or difference of two numbers, equal to their (sum of squares) plus or minus (twice the product)

Given that the square of x plus the square of the difference between Y and 1 is equal to 1, find the range of Y / x minus 1

Let k = (y-0) / (x-1)
So K is the slope of the line through (x, y) and (1,0)
Because here X and y satisfy X & sup2; + (Y-1) & sup2; = 1
So a line and a circle have a common point
So the distance from the center of the circle to the straight line is less than or equal to the radius
Center (0,1), radius is 1
So | 0-1-k | / √ (K & sup2; + 1)