If the solution of the equation X-1 / M-1 = 2 about X is positive, then the value range of M is?

If the solution of the equation X-1 / M-1 = 2 about X is positive, then the value range of M is?

The original formula can be reduced to x = (M + 1) / 2
Because its solution is positive
So (M + 1) / 2 > 0
The solution is m > - 1

It is known that the equation x-3 of x = 2 minus 3-x of M has a positive number solution, and the range of M is obtained

X-3 of x = 2 minus 3-x of M
Multiply both sides by (x-3)
The equation has a positive solution
Then: 6-m > 0

&#Why is the cube root of 179; √ - 64 not - 4, but - 179; √ - 4?

In fact, this problem is the word "play". I often see it
He said yes
&#The cube root of 179; √ - 64
Not the cube root of - 64
First of all, work out the front one before you open the cube. You know, there are always exams to see if you are careless

To move the charge of 1 * 10 Coulomb to point a in the electric field from infinity, we need to overcome the electric field force to do work of 1 * 10 Joule to the - 6th power
1. Does the potential energy of charge increase or decrease? How much potential energy does the charge have at point a?
2. What is the potential energy at point a?
3. If the electric field force can move the charge of - 8 power Coulomb with charge quantity of 2 * 10 from infinite distance to point a in the electric field, is the charge positively charged or negatively charged? How much work does the electric field force do? (take infinite distance as the potential zero point) I want to ask the second question, should there be two answers, positive or negative, but there is only one answer, why?

1. Overcome the electric field force to do work, the electric potential energy increases, and the electric potential energy is 1 * 10-6 joules. 2. Ask the electric potential energy or the electric potential? 3. I think the "amount of charge" in the first question should have a sign, because the third question is "amount of charge". If the question refers to positive charge, then the electric field is the production of positive charge