A quadratic trinomial about the letter X, the coefficient of the quadratic term is - 1 / 3, the coefficient of the primary term is 1. The constant term is - 2 / 3, and the quadratic trinomial is?

A quadratic trinomial about the letter X, the coefficient of the quadratic term is - 1 / 3, the coefficient of the primary term is 1. The constant term is - 2 / 3, and the quadratic trinomial is?

This quadratic trinomial is: - 1 / 3x & # 178; + X-2 / 3
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Write a quadratic trinomial about x such that its quadratic coefficient is - 5, then the quadratic trinomial is______ .

The answer to this question is not unique. All the quadratic trinomials in the form of - 5x2 + ax + B (a ≠ 0, B ≠ 0) conform to the meaning of the question

Write a quadratic trinomial about x such that its quadratic coefficient is - 5, then the quadratic trinomial is______ .

The answer to this question is not unique. All the quadratic trinomials in the form of - 5x2 + ax + B (a ≠ 0, B ≠ 0) conform to the meaning of the question