Odd number plus odd number equals even number, why even number plus even number does not equal odd number?

Odd number plus odd number equals even number, why even number plus even number does not equal odd number?

Even numbers are expressed as 2n, so any two even numbers added together are multiples of 2, even numbers odd numbers are expressed as (2n + 1), two ones added together are multiples of 2, and the preceding items added together are explained by even numbers

How do three odd numbers add up to an even number**********

Odd number can be expressed as 2n + 1, even number can be expressed as 2n, then the sum of three odd numbers can be expressed as (2n + 1) + (2n + 1) + (2n + 1) = 6N + 3 = 2 (3N + 1) + 1. If 3N + 1 is regarded as N, it is expressed as 2n + 1. So it must be odd number

Which three consecutive odd numbers add up to two consecutive even numbers
Adding three consecutive odd numbers is equal to adding two consecutive even numbers
It's not possible. I'll give you some examples downstairs
Is there anything else?
I'm sincerely sorry that the title was wrongly typed by me. 】
The sum of three consecutive even numbers is equal to the sum of two consecutive odd numbers