The volume of a basketball is 9850 cubic centimeters. The radius of the basketball is 3.14. The result is accurate to 0.1

The volume of a basketball is 9850 cubic centimeters. The radius of the basketball is 3.14. The result is accurate to 0.1

The solution is as follows
The volume of the sphere is v = 4 / 3 × π R & # 179;
The radius of the basketball is about 13.3 cm

The formula for calculating the volume of a sphere is v = 43 π R3 (V for volume, R for radius), and the formula for calculating the mass of an object is m = VP (m for mass, V for volume of a sphere, P for density of an object). It is known that the mass of the earth is about 81 times that of the moon, and the ratio of the density of the earth to the density of the moon is about 8164. The ratio of the radius of the earth to the radius of the moon is estimated

∵ v = 43 π R3, M = VP, ∵ R3 = 34 π· MP, ∵ the mass of the earth is about 81 times the mass of the moon, the ratio of the density of the earth to the density of the moon is about 8164, ∵ the ratio of the radius cube of the earth to the moon is 81 × 6481 = 64, ∵ the ratio of the radius of the earth to the moon is 4

The volume formula of the ball is v = 4 / 3 beat R ^ 3
If the spherical tank of a chemical plant needs to store 5500 cubic meters of chemical raw materials, how many meters is the inner diameter (diameter) of the spherical tank at least?
I only know that the answer is 21.901

Lost butterfly 8: Hello
The sphere formula is directly substituted into the equation
Diameter = 10.96m × 2 = 21.92m
A: at least 22 meters,
I don't have much error with you. Good luck and goodbye