What are the factors of 60? What are the multiples of 11? What are the numbers of 13? (find the natural numbers within 100)

What are the factors of 60? What are the multiples of 11? What are the numbers of 13? (find the natural numbers within 100)

The factor of 60 is (1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30,60) the multiple of 11 is (11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99) the number of 13 is (13,26,39,52,65,78,91) twenty years of teaching experience, professional and trustworthy! If you agree with my reply, please timely

Let a, B and C be the three sides of △ ABC, and try to explain that a2-b2-c2-2bc is less than 0

A2-b2-c2-2bc = a2 - (B + C) 2 = (a + B + C) (a-b-c), according to the meaning of the title, we can know that: a + B + C > 0, a-b-c < 0, so (a + B + C) (a-b-c) < 0, that is a2-b2-c2-2bc < 0

It is known that a B C is the length of three sides of triangle ABC. Try to explain why the square of a minus the square of B minus the square of C minus 2BC is less than 0

The square of a minus the square of B minus the square of C minus 2BC = a ^ 2 - (B + C) ^ 2
Because the sum of the two sides of the triangle is greater than the third side, B + C > a
So a ^ 2 - (B + C) ^ 2

Given y = √ (4-x) + √ (x-4) + 2, find the value of Y power of x plus y root of X

From the definition field: 4-x > = 0, that is, x = 0, that is, x > = 4, so x = 4, y = 2, so x "Y + X's y root = 4" 2 + root 4 = 16 + 2 = 18

X plus the negative power of X is equal to three. Find the value of the third half power of x plus the negative third half power of X
I'll give you a bonus

2 times the root below 5 is detailed
Let the third half power of x plus the negative third half power of X be t
The negative power of x plus x is a
The square of T is x ^ 3 + 2 + x ^ - 3
The cube of a is x ^ 3 + 3x + 3 / x + x ^ - 3 = x ^ 3 + x ^ - 3 + 3 (x + 1 / x) = 27
That is to say, x ^ 3 + x ^ - 3 = 18
Then the square of T is 20 and t is 2 times the root of 5

If we know that the x power of 2 plus the negative x power of 2 is equal to 3, we can find the x power of 8 plus the negative x power of 8

It is known that: the x power of 2 + the negative x power of 2 = 3, then:
(x power of 2 + x power of 2) & #178; = 9
That is: 2x power of 2 + x power of 2 * 2 - x power of * 2 + 2x power of 2 = 9
We can get: 2x power of 2 + 2x power of 2 = 7
So from the sum of cubes, we can get the following formula:
The x power of 8 plus the negative x power of 8
=(x power of 2 + x power of 2) * (2x power of 2-1 + 2x power of 2)

If the quadratic power of a plus 2A plus the quadratic power of B minus 6B plus 10 is equal to 0, find the value of the quadratic power of a minus the quadratic power of B

If the second power of a plus 2A plus the second power of B minus 6B plus 10 equals 0
The power of a minus the power of B=

1 cubic meter = cubic centimeter 680 cubic centimeter = cubic decimeter = cubic meter 3 liter = milliliter = cubic centimeter 5 liter = cubic meter = cubic centimeter

1 cubic meter = 1000000 cubic centimeters
680 cubic centimeter = 6.8 cubic decimeter = 0.068 cubic meter
3 L = 3000 ml = 3000 CC
5 liters = 0.005 cubic meters = 5000 cubic centimeters

8 cubic decimeter 56 cubic decimeter = () cubic meter = () cubic decimeter

8 cubic decimeter 56 cubic decimeter = (8.056) cubic meter = (8056) cubic decimeter

7. 56 cubic meters = () cubic meters () cubic decimeters

7. 56 cubic meters = (7) cubic meters (560) cubic decimeters