In the following direct form, each Chinese character represents a number from 0 to 9, and different characters represent different numbers: How can we succeed Success depends on diligence +Success depends on diligence ——————————-—— If you succeed with your heart, what is the five digit number of "success with your heart"?

In the following direct form, each Chinese character represents a number from 0 to 9, and different characters represent different numbers: How can we succeed Success depends on diligence +Success depends on diligence ——————————-—— If you succeed with your heart, what is the five digit number of "success with your heart"?

twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-six
+ 850
+ 850
If you work hard, you will succeed

What numbers do the four words "Olympic x 9 = Olympic" stand for?

So 1, 0, 8, 9

Qiao, Qiao + really Qiao = really Qiao (fill in the number from 0 to 9, each word represents a number, which can't be repeated)

True = 1
Qiao = 9
Ah = 8
Yes = 0

What are the perfect squares within 100


Perfect square under 10000
How much is 10000? Which ones? What we want is accurate value!!! Urgent~


A perfect square within 30?


Finding the complete square number within 1670

Because 1670 is less than 1764 = 42 ^ 2 and greater than 1681 = 41 ^ 2, the complete squares less than 1760 are: 42, 41, 40, 39, 38 , 3, 2, 1, 0. A total of 43

The product of all integers with absolute values greater than 3.7 and not greater than 6 is


What is the sum and product of all integers whose absolute value is not greater than 6?

The sum is 0

-The opposite number of 2008 is 2008. What is its absolute value? What is the absolute value of the opposite number of 2008?

The absolute value of the opposite number of 2008 is 2008
-The opposite number of 2008 is 2008, its absolute value is still 2008
come on