How to write the numbers one to one hundred in English Can't write 1 to 100 English

How to write the numbers one to one hundred in English Can't write 1 to 100 English

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-si...

I love your 100 ways of writing,
I'm going to send my girlfriend a heart folded by myself. I want to copy a different word "I love you" in each heart, so I kneel down to ask for a hundred words of "I love you" in the text version. I don't need Roman pronunciation or Pinyin, just need the original words. The purpose is visual effect,
I'm trying to answer other people's questions and accumulate points. Please help me,

I love you
I love you
Aiko [Japanese]
Anh y ê u em
ICH Liebe dig
Ябяяюббю [Russian]
Ai Mo [Japanese]
Ti amo [Italian]
Kocham CI & # 281; [Polish]
Jeg elsker dig
Min & #228; rakastan Sinua [Finnish]
IK Hou van Jou
Miluju t ě [Czech]
EU te amo [Portuguese]
Seni seviyorum
Σ ε α γ α π & # 974; [Greek]
Te Quiero [Spanish]
I can't think of it. I hope to adopt it. Although I haven't got 100

A poem or prose about maternal love

Mother, you are in the first sunshine now
Water the flowers on the windowsill
Thousands of miles away, a kind of moisture pouring through the dark night
I turn over happily in my dream. The moonlight flows like milk
Everything is like a bath, as if to return to the warm place
Mother, the first birdsong wakes the dream
I stretch out in the morning
There are stars all over your side
The lights reflect your warm face
Mother, where are you
Where is the home where the smoke rises
Because I love you, I love the one called Toronto
Because of missing, I leave poetry behind
I've accumulated all my thoughts
The yellow gold and the white silver
With countless days and nights
Mother, I am in this city called Jinan
Across mountains and rivers, countless times
Arrive at you sweetly
The depth of the night
It's pouring down
Drowning the clamor of youth
Bright moon
Smeared with the quiet earth
A dream of discontent
But it's a little soft and comfortable
Catch the shadow of the tree in the moonlight
But first there was a mottled drunkenness
Any tender heart
The breeze is blowing
Soft heart blown away
Falling on the heavy dust of memory
I fell back to my mother and my childhood farm
Mother's happy smile
It's full of kindness and joy
That's because of the tourists
Come back
Mother's joyful kindness and smile
Gradually spread
In the air
To become a world full of people
The brightness of the moon
With the depth of the night
Selected poems by Bing Xin
Paper boat to mother
I never give up a piece of paper,
Always keep it
Keep it,
Make small boats,
Cast from the boat into the sea
Some were blown into the window of the boat by the sky wind,
Some were wet by the waves and stuck on the bow
I'm still not disheartened, folding every day,
I always hope one can only flow to where I want him to go
Mother, if you see a small white boat in your dream,
Don't be surprised that he fell asleep for no reason
This is made by your beloved daughter with tears in her eyes,
Thousands of rivers and mountains, ask him to return with her love and sorrow!
Maternal love
Maternal love
It is the connection and fusion of blood and pulse
It's the happiness of the children and the pain of the mother
Maternal love
It's like the spring wind
She brushed it gently
The earth will be green
Maternal love
It's the clouds in the sky
Always let the sun shine
Go through her first
Give the earth wind for rain and peace
Maternal love
It's the haze after the rain
Always let the cleaned earth
Don't give up lying in my arms
Write the colorful life dream in the high sky
: maternal love
Maternal love is an eternal theme of human beings
We give it too much interpretation and too much connotation
Without the soul shaking of historical epics, without the reversion of the sea, maternal love is like a spring rain, a song, silent and long
Yu Qiuyu, a contemporary essayist, wrote in an article: "the starting point of all travelers is always to say goodbye to their mother And their end is aging The old man can't help but be moved when he shouts for his mother. He shouts, "you've done your return and you've done your wandering."
Maternal love is the ultimate destination of the wanderers in the end of the world, and it is a clear spring to moisten the hearts of the children. It accompanies the children's drinking and sipping, which is continuous. Therefore, maternal love is integrated into the children's laughter and tears
Maternal love is like an idyllic poem, quiet and pure, elegant and light;
Motherly love is a landscape painting, wash away the lead China carving, leaving a fresh and natural;
Mother's love is like an affectionate song, graceful and melodious, singing lightly;
Maternal love is a warm wind, blowing away the snow, bringing spring unlimited
Maternal love is the laughter accompanied by life, maternal love is the thoughts of wandering around the world, maternal love is the concern and anxiety of children before they are sick, and maternal love is the ardent expectation of children's growth
Mother is a big ship
Carrying us to the sea
To pursue the mystery of life
To explore the wonders of the world
Mother is a mountain
It contains all things
Nurture our growth
Strengthen our body and mind
Mother is a moving song
Take us around
With her beautiful tune
Praising the history of the motherland
Mother is a spring breeze
All things are born in the world
Yingying's steps
It has brought great vitality
Mother is the spring rain
Moistening the earth
Ah, mother
I love you, you are my heart forever love
My mother has been ill for five years. I was not able to give birth to me, and I have been hoarse all my life. There is no home to leave. Why is it steaming Li? "The words are sorrowful and sorrowful, which is enough to make people move generously and shed tears for thousands of years
The thread in my mother's hand and the coat of my wanderer's body. I'm afraid I'll be late when I'm leaving. Who said that the grass in inch's heart will bring back the sunshine of spring. --- Meng Jiao
Mother is the greatest man
Ancient eyes

The product of integers with absolute values greater than 3 and less than 6 is

Hope to help you, do not understand please ask, understand please adopt, thank you

All integers with absolute values greater than 3.2 and less than 7.6 have () and their sum is ()

All integers with absolute values greater than 3.2 and less than 7.6 have (- 4, - 5, - 6, - 7,4,5,6,7), and their sum is (0)
May I help you!

What is the product of all negative integers with absolute values not less than 2 and not more than 6

It can be seen from the question that a < 0, and 6 ≥ | a | ≥ 2, so a can be - 2, - 3, - 4, - 5, - 6,
So, (- 2) × (- 3) × (- 4) × (- 5) × (- 6) = - 720

What are all negative integers with absolute values not greater than 6 and not less than 2?

-2 -3 -4 -5 -6

There are () integers with absolute value less than 6 and greater than 3


What is the product of integers whose absolute value is less than √ 6?

Product 0, because it contains 0

What are the multiples of 5 within 100?
