Who gave me some idioms to describe the character's character

Who gave me some idioms to describe the character's character

The metaphor of true gold fire is that the quality remains unchanged after a serious test
To judge a person by his appearance is to judge a person's quality and ability
New people, new things, people with new moral qualities and things reflecting new noble social customs
The pine and cypress are evergreen only when they are cold in winter
Jingqu in Sou refers to people with poor quality who will get worse in bad environment
According to the ancient legend, there are nine sons born to a dragon, but each has his own good points. It refers to the different qualities and hobbies of brothers
Quality: essence, quality. Refers to people's high quality
He is intelligent, upright, intelligent, upright and selfless
It refers to the steadfast and noble quality, which will not be changed by external influence
Ice soul and soul describe the quality of innocence and purity
Dirty: dirty. Describes bad quality. Also called "dirty"
A woman married a husband of poor quality
True gold is not afraid of fire. It means that people with good quality and strong will can stand any test
Judge a person by his appearance. Judge a person by his appearance
Shoddy work originally refers to the fact that businessmen secretly reduce the quality of products and materials in order to make huge profits
Good quality and talent: good; good: extraordinary. Good quality and extraordinary talent
It is used to describe the simple quality of jade
Good gold and beautiful jade refer to perfect articles and excellent moral quality of people
Pure jade is a metaphor of natural beauty without modification. It is often used to describe people's simple and kind quality
The heart is as sweet as grass, and the quality is as white as plain
Adamant: adamant; adamant: firm; adamant: resolute; wood: simple; adamant: slow in speaking, which means cautious in speaking. Confucius praised four qualities of human beings
Have both ability and moral character; have both ability and moral character; have both good ideological quality and working ability
Green pines and cypresses: green. Green: green. Refers to evergreen pines and cypresses. It refers to people with noble quality and firm integrity
Ice soul, snow soul, ice, snow: transparent as ice, white as snow. It refers to the noble and pure quality of human beings
Despicable describes bad quality, improper guidance, dirty words and deeds
Kunyu Qiushuang refers to the quality of firmness and strength
Despicable: refers to the quality of bad behavior. Bad conduct, regardless of shame