The sum of all negative integers whose absolute value is greater than 2 but not greater than 6 is

The sum of all negative integers whose absolute value is greater than 2 but not greater than 6 is

Not greater than, is less than or equal to
Let's record this number as a, then a should satisfy 2 < a < 6
If a is negative, then the absolute value is 2 < - a ≤ 6 = > - 6 ≤ a < - 2
Obviously, a can be taken as - 6, - 5, - 4, - 3
The sum of all negative integer values is (- 6) + (- 5) + (- 4) + (- 3) = - 18

What is a negative integer with an absolute value not greater than 6?


The sum of integers with absolute values not greater than 3 is

The sum is 0